The good ol' 1 night stand (Question for the ladies)

I me that sounds just as cruel as the guys who seduce a girl and disappear in the morning never to call again...

Yeah - i agree, one night stands are fine if that's what you are both looking for at the time. But I think far too much of the time the girl doesn't really realise what she's getting herself into.

For my part - never done it, doubt I ever will. I need an emotional connection before I will even let a guy lay a finger on me - otherwise I just feel threatened *shrug*
My 1-nighters are actually misnomered. Only 1/3 actually lasted all night (that is, I left in the 'morning'. The other ones were either at parties ( empty bedroom/bathroom/closet) or in the classic 'no-tell motel' environment.
"Three hours....that'll be $24.95 sir. Room 12"

Gotta love quickie-rates at hotels.
MrBishop said:
My 1-nighters are actually misnomered. Only 1/3 actually lasted all night (that is, I left in the 'morning'. The other ones were either at parties ( empty bedroom/bathroom/closet) or in the classic 'no-tell motel' environment.
"Three hours....that'll be $24.95 sir. Room 12"

Gotta love quickie-rates at hotels.


party sex is not a one night stand, 2 very diffrent things there.

1 night stand is sex for sex "I don't want to know your name, jsut get naked"

party sex is "I'm bored...wanna?"

party sex is the funner of the 2
tonks said:
so what if your party sex follows you home? is that a one night stand?

no because you saw them nighters you generally dont see ever again. its also stalking.
I had the BEST revenge sex there could ever possibly be...and it was all for me...he still doesn't know about it...but it feels sooooo good to just know I did it...and imagining the look on his face when he finds out...PRICELESS

and the sex was great too :wink2:
a13antichrist said:
Interesting that the importance to you of getting laid outweighs the objection you felt to being used.

Hindsight is always 20/20 . I felt used I've come to the realization that I was damn lucky to get laid as many times as I did during the short time between my divorce and meeting my current wife :)

BTW...good to have you back A13...where ya been hanging out?
a13antichrist said:
Yeah, when you've decided to enjoy being a sexual being rather than a target for males, it's amazing what sort of difference that makes.

Doesn't work too well for men does it!!!
When you've decided to enjoy being a sexual being rather than a competitor who has to prove his worth, it's amazing what sort of difference that makes.
Yeah, dredging an old thread. Well fuck me. :faptard:

MrBishop said:
Never been to New Zealand, but I canèt see Kiwis being that much different from Cannucks.

And they aren't. :shrug: Dunno what the frenchie was going on about. :alienhuh:

Have I had a one night stand? Yep. Was it worth it. Nope.

Never had vengeful sex. :shrug: