The good ol' 1 night stand (Question for the ladies)

BeardofPants said:
Nooooo.... :alienhuh:

It wasn't worth it because:

a) I cheated on my partner
b) It was a lousy lay

Which leads into...

c) Wasn't worth almost breaking up over one lousy lay.

I don't see the bit where I employed a "use me" complex. :alienhuh:

Now retard this:

BoP... what if you hadn't been dating anyone? If you'd tried a 1-nighter and didn't like it because he was a lousy lay and you left it at that saying "I tried it, it was bad and the whole 'sexually-comunicabeable disease' thing and possible pregnancy thing makes trying it again not worthwhile" , then you'd be judging the act of the one night stand itself.

Let's say that you tried it a second time, and this time, he was a great lay. Now you've got 2 experiences but you still consider 1-nighters as not worth-while because of the reasons listed above, then you're making a strong decision on the worthfulness of 1-nighters.

I think that's what A13 is on about.

Allow me to rephrase the question:

Why do you consider 1-night stands to be not worth it (regardless of wether you're in a relationship or not) ?


Why do you consider 1-night stands to be worth it (regardless of wether you're in a relationship or not) ?
:rolleyes: I think a self-quote is in order here:

BeardofPants said:
Have I had a one night stand? Yep. Was it worth it. Nope.

Now where I am writing off one night stands exactly? :alienhuh: I haven't said one way or another whether they're good things or not. Just that I had one that wasn't worth it.

Can we stop beating the dead horse now. It's getting maggoty. :tardbang:

Antichrist, you have consistently misread my points, and read into stuff that is simply not there. Just because I had one bad lemonade doesn't mean I'm washing my hands of it altogether.

Bish, you're being just as bad. :disgust2:
BeardofPants said:
:rolleyes: I think a self-quote is in order here:

Now where I am writing off one night stands exactly? :alienhuh: I haven't said one way or another whether they're good things or not. Just that I had one that wasn't worth it.

Can we stop beating the dead horse now. It's getting maggoty. :tardbang:

Antichrist, you have consistently misread my points, and read into stuff that is simply not there. Just because I had one bad lemonade doesn't mean I'm washing my hands of it altogether.

Bish, you're being just as bad. :disgust2:

Actually...I was just trying to clear the air just in case my original question was mis-stated. I'm trying to erase arguements and not cause them. I get the gist of your statement.

The :rolleyes: and :disgust2: weren't deserved.
AlphaTroll said:
A13, you seem to be missing the point more than anyone else - the thread IMO is whether or not we (as individuals) feel that one night stands are for us, something we enjoy or would do on a regular basis.

That's precisely my understanding as well, and also precisely why I pulled up BoP's post - she criticises one-night stands saying "I don't enjoy them" when in fact the cause of the lack of enjoyment was the consequences of her cheating, and nothing to do with the one-night stand. Of course one-night stands aren't for her if she's in a relationship - that's self-evident - but the REASON for not doing is not because it's a one-night stand, but because it's sex with someone other than your partner. What she posted though gives the impression that she blames one-night stands for her bad experience, when in fact they had nothing to do with WHY it was bad for her.

As Bish mentioned, if, once she was single, used this experience as motivation to not to have one-night stands in the future, she would be displaying classic Pavlovian Conditioning, a procedure used to teach [for example] birds and rabbits to fear abitrary, harmless events or objects.
BeardofPants said:
Just because I had one bad lemonade doesn't mean I'm washing my hands of it altogether.

So why mention it then?

And you're still missing the point. Saying you had a one-night stand that wasn't worth it is like saying you had some bad lemonade once. IT WASN"T THE LEMONADE'S FAULT!
MrBishop said:
I get the gist of your statement.

At least somebody does. :shrug: And apologies for being tetchy at you.

A13: I'm not even going to bother. It is clear that you are hell bent on disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. (bish, can I use the disgusted smiley on HIM?*twitch*) I didn't even SAY it was the freaking lemonades fault! Fucking read my posts properly, or don't bother at all. *shakes head* You get ALL this from "Have I had a one night stand? Yep. Was it worth it. Nope."
I was offering my opinion of one-night stands. By your own admission, that's precisely what you weren't doing.. so again, where's the relevance?
something to think about

"The big difference between sex for money, and sex for free - Is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.... "
Re: something to think about

Now there is some seriously true depth in that.
For those of you who care, and even if you don't give a rats bum ...

The COST of having a one night stand varies with his/her situation and personal interpretation of the experience. It will inevitably mean different things to different people at it is pointless to attempt to LABEL it.

A cost is a loss of any kind ; physical or emotional

the cost has everything to do with the act, it is a related to the act

A one night stand has all sorts of POTENTIAL COSTS:
there are the very real, physical ones of course...
- unwanted pregnancy - or teen pregnancy ......would that be worth it?
-an STD.... would that be worth it?
Or psychological,

- Finding out that the guy you shagged you'd normally find repulsive - would you find it worth it?
- Realising that it was RAPE because you were drugged or taken advantage of..would that be worth it?
- Revenge-sex - ( could be a benifit or a cost depending on how the individual takes it) the psycological satisfaction of getting back or getting even might make it worth it - if he/she feels that - or they may regret it, even if it was vengeful - and if the "victim" feels used or whatever - they have every right to be
- or merely just feeling un-fulfilled because you thought youd get something out of it, which you didn't
- or feeling "dirty" because you've been brought up to believe that youre a slut for sleeping around
- or feeling guilty because you cheated on someone
-or feeling as though you've 'sinned' because of your relegious beliefs

Whether or not the event of a one night stand is worth it or not is dependant entirely on perception.

And this thread is about what people think, and people offer their own opinions.
And a13, youre no different, but you have no right to say that bop is wrong, because she said her one night stand was not worth it. Simply to try and demonstrate your own opinion and uphold your own beliefs and unleash your wrath on the forum....

I don't see how the capability of an individual to express a regret about something like sex makes them a retard.

........Was having the sex worth it?

If worth is the quality of a thing which renders it valuable or useful, then a one night stand is not something to be valued or something particularly useful, where the negative costs of having it make the actual event regrettable.

However if it was useful as a form of revenge, and the individual felt that, that would be worth psycologically worth it for the individual.

I don't think one-time sex has a lot of worth or value because you can't attach a lot of
significance to sex that only serves as physical gratification and has little bearing or meaning. It is unsatisfying in a greater, psycological, emotional sense. ;

however....I'm not saying you can't have fantastic, physical sex - to quote woody allen..and contradict myself..:lol2:

"Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go it's a pretty good one."

But on the whole - sex with someone you don't know or love or have any real attachment to isn't valued by most people because the lack of connection.
Somehow sex is just greater when you are in a relationship with someone who you strongly feel for.
It is different to casual sex. But it also depends on how you define it.

Most mature people realise that there is a lot more to sex than physically getting off- if you think it is simply just geting off then in my eyes - you are not a retard - but you have a lot to learn!

IF you just define sex as simply a physical act. If you place importance on sex itself and live having sex regularly with strangers and are content doing that - then fine -but I think you're living in the wrong era - transport yourself back to the sexual revolution or something.

Most women value sex as a significant component to a relationship. These days, most men, who aren't retards, do to.

The thing is men have been brought up to think they need to supress their feelings and think they can screw around and have no-strings attached sex and think this is a big part of "being a man" Thats only part of it.

And that to me, is retarded. Because we are all given the ability as humans to think and feel things and really, we should use that. There is reallyno such thing as seperating ourselves physically - from our emotional and spiritual being. We are all a package of things and the human experiance is that and its just clinical to try and distinguish one from the other.

The act of sex is fun, yeah, for the pleasure, for what it was biologically designed to be - physically satisfying...but seems unfulfilling when it is without anything else.

Especially for women - most of us just naturally inclined to like sex better, on a whole, when it is with a stable partner, rather than with any random guy. You get more out of it. (I think there are some biological reasons there too, which I won't go into) But thats not to say that men can't and don't think like that....although men biologically - are biologically designed to be able to have lots of random sex and "spread their seed" without needing to attatch any meaning to it.

However I think, I f you have enough Integrety to be capable of feeling and realising yourself completely - ( ie - you are not a retard who suppresses natural feelings )

you realise that sex is hardly ever "just sex"

And to quote alpha-troll, (who, i am so glad raised this point - that the general question of the "worth-whileness of one night stands ...

has bugger all to do with whether we are made in such a way that our bodily parts serve merely as sexual organs. .

And the ability to go around -

" bonking everything in sight & are able to do so without any emotional baggage"
or, let me rephrase that last word - connection

Seems pretty retarded to me...
Re: For those of you who care, and even if you don't give a rats bum ...

Well that's all very interesting, but what I call retarded is people thinking that one-night stands have to about connection-less sex. That's where the retardedness comes in.
Re: For those of you who care, and even if you don't give a rats bum ...


it seems to me that there will never be a right and wrong answer when it comes to this topic because sexuality is different for every individual. some people are quite content to hop in and out of the sack with any swinging dick or piece of patch that comes their way, some require a certain level of intimacy, some require utter devotion. all in all, you should follow your instincts when it comes to the issue and do whatever is going to make you a happy person....because that's the whole point after is suppose to be enjoyable.
Re: For those of you who care, and even if you don't give a rats bum ...

Leslie said:


Allow me.

*picks up a rolled newspaper and bashes A13 over the head with it*
Re: For those of you who care, and even if you don't give a rats bum ...

Fine, you go on having your connection-less one-night stands that fuck up your current relationships. I'll go on having my most-definitely-NOT-connection-less physical relationships and making lots of cool friends at the same time. Let me put it this way, not me nor any of my partners have ever felt that the sex we had was lousy. Can you say the same?