The historical Jesus didn't create a new religion!


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This post we about the historical Jesus. Who was he? Did he or his followers create a new religion?
According to historical scholarship [sources: see at the bottom of this post] he practised what corresponds to today’s Orthodox Judaism all his life. His followers were called Netzarim – that is Hebrew [it means offshoot (of a olive tree)] and is a name in the Jewish Bible that is used for Messiah.

During the first century those who practised Judaism were very devoted their religion. Just like King David and all other Jews throughout history they practised Torah (Instruction) – the Instructions of the Creator – with joy! The most prominent university professors in this field Prof. Elisha Qimron , author of the most authoritative treatise on 4Q MMT, demonstrates that all three of the major sects of first century Judaism followed both written and oral Torah.

Louis Feldman (”The Omnipresence of the G*od-Fearers,” Biblical Archaeology Review, 1986.09-10, p. 45, 58ff) observes: “the Jews were apparently extraordinarily successful in winning converts”

Year 7 B.C.E Ribi Yehoshua were born in Bethlehem. His father name was Yoseif and his mothers name was Miriam. His parents were practising Jews.

According to world-recognized authorities in this area Ribi Yehoshua was a Pharisee (a Torah-practising Jewish group - who according to 4Q MMT practised both written and oral Torah). As the earliest church historians, most eminent modern university historians, our web site and our Khavruta (Distance Learning) texts confirm, the original teachings of Ribi Yehoshua were not only accepted by most of the Pharisaic Jewish community, he had hoards of Jewish students.

He took care of sick and made it popular to pray in what corresponds to today’s Orthodox synagogues. The genealogically non-priest, Hellenist “Wicked Priest” Temple-Sadducees felt that their power was threaten by Ribi Yehoshua. They decided to get him crucified by the Romans. The Romans convicted and crucified Ribi Yehoshua year 30 C.E.

Ribi Yehoshua’s followers Netzarim were expelled from Jerusalem 135 C.E: together with all other Jews. The first Christian bishop Markos replaced the fifteenth leader of Netzarim. This Christian bishop didn’t have permission to do this. What the Paul the apostate and later the founder of Christianity did was to take some concepts that Ribi Yehoshua had taught; they distorted the concepts and included them in the religion which they practiced – Hellenism – the religion of the Greeks. (Sources: See Ecclesiastical History (EH IV.v.1-4; EH V.xii.1) )

Anyone educated in this field knows that the only sect of Judaism that had rabbis was the Pharisee and even the Christian NT described him as a rabbi. Parkes, Bagatti, Wilson, Charlesworth; all world-recognized authorities in this area leave no doubt that Ribi Yehoshua was a Pharisee, of the school of Hileil - who was also Pharisee. There is no serious dispute about that among scholars in the field. Ribi Yehoshua taught in "synagogues"; which were a strictly Pharisee institution.

Following the teachings of the Judaic Mâshiakh (Messiah) Ribi Yehoshua – that is doing one’s utmost to practice the 613 commandments of Torah - also brings the inner joy, purpose and happiness of working intimately with him to bring about, and participate in, the Messianic era, enjoying a higher level of communion with ha-Sheim - the Creator - as party to Yirmeyâhu's (Jeremiah’s) New Covenant.

If you want to learn about the Historical Ribi Yehoshua, whom Orthodox Jews can live with (witness the Netzarim Jews in Raanana, Israel, members in good standing in an Orthodox synagogue), you must start with books like How Jesus Became Christian by Prof. Barrie Wilson (most bookstores) and Who Are The Netzarim? by Israeli Orthodox Jew, Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David.

Netzarim (led by Paqid Yirmeyahu ha-Tzadiq; found by using Google: "Netzarim, Restored 'Nazarene Jews' of Israel"; watch out for the Christian pretend-Netzarim)

From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism
It's messianic judism.

It's jsut too easy to take apart.

By using that term you imply that we are Christians (because they have hijacked that term) and that is untrue!

It is true that we believe there is a Messiah and we practise Orthodox Judaism.
The leader of Netzarim - Paqid Yirmeyahu ha-Tzadiq - is an Orthodox Jew in good standing in Beit ha-Kneset (Synagouge) Moreshot Avot; he has been praying there for 12 years.

So your falsely allegations are 100% wrong and it is very unintelligent of you to state statements without researching first!
You should have done some research!!

Find us by using Google: "Netzarim, Restored 'Nazarene Jews' of Israel"; watch out for the Christian pretend-Netzarim)

From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism
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By using that term you imply that we are Christians (because they have hijacked that term) and that is untrue!

It is true that we believe there is a Messiah and we practise Orthodox Judaism.
The leader of Netzarim - Paqid Yirmeyahu ha-Tzadiq - is an Orthodox Jew in good standing in Beit ha-Kneset (Synagouge) Moreshot Avot; he has been praying there for 12 years.

So your falsely allegations are 100% wrong and it is very unintelligent of you to state statements without researching first!
You should have done some research!!

Find us by using Google: "Netzarim, Restored 'Nazarene Jews' of Israel"; watch out for the Christian pretend-Netzarim)

From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism

I actually have a lot of knowledge about it, if I wanted to be ignorant I would have said jews for jesus.

evangelical....breaks how many of the 613?

hell it breaks the 10 commandments, now go take your golden calf elsewhere.
By using that term you imply that we are Christians (because they have hijacked that term) and that is untrue!

It is true that we believe there is a Messiah and we practise Orthodox Judaism.
The leader of Netzarim - Paqid Yirmeyahu ha-Tzadiq - is an Orthodox Jew in good standing in Beit ha-Kneset (Synagouge) Moreshot Avot; he has been praying there for 12 years.

So your falsely allegations are 100% wrong and it is very unintelligent of you to state statements without researching first!
You should have done some research!!

Find us by using Google: "Netzarim, Restored 'Nazarene Jews' of Israel"; watch out for the Christian pretend-Netzarim)

From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism
Virtually everything you believe is demonstrably a myth.
i wanna put a lot of religiously-based text!

I have come unto thee. I have drawn nigh to behold thy beauties (thy beneficient goodness). My hands are extended in adoration of thy name of "Maat." I have come. I have drawn nigh unto the place where the cedar-tree existeth not, where the acacia tree doth not put forth shoots, and where the ground produceth neither grass nor herbs. Now I have entered into the habitation which is hidden, and I hold converse with Seth. My protector advanced to me, covered was his face.... on the hidden things. He entered into the house of Osiris, he saw the hidden things which were therein. The Tchatchau Chiefs of the Pylons were in the form of Spirits. The god Anpu spake unto those about him with the words of a man who cometh from Ta-mera, saying, "He knoweth our roads and our towns. I am reconciled unto him. When I smell his odour it is even as the odour of one of you." And I say unto him: I the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth - In peace, whose word is truth, have come. I have drawn nigh to behold the Great gods. I would live upon the propitiatory offerings made to their Doubles. I would live on the borders of the territory of the Soul, the Lord of Tetu. He shall make me to come forth in the form of a Benu bird, and to hold converse with him. I have been in the stream to purify myself. I have made offerings of incense. I betook myself to the Acacia Tree of the divine Children. I lived in Abu in the House of the goddess Satet. I made to sink in the water the boat of the enemies. I sailed over the lake in the temple in the Neshmet boat. I have looked upon the Sahu of Kamur. I have been in Tetu. I have held my peace. I have made the god to be master of his legs. I have been in the House of Teptuf. I have seen him, that is the Governor of the Hall of the god. I have entered into the House of Osiris and I have removed the head-coverings of him that is therein. I have entered into Rasta, and I have seen the Hidden One who is therein. I was hidden, but I found the boundary. I journeyed to Nerutef, and he who was therein covered me with a garment. I have myrrh of women, together with the shenu powder of living folk. Verily he (Osiris) told me the things which concerned himself. I said: Let thy weighing of me be even as we desire.
And the Majesty of Anpu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of this door, and canst thou tell it?" And the Osiris the Scribe Ani, whose word is truth - In peace, whose word is truth, shall say, "Khersek-Shu" is the name of this door. And the Majesty of the god Anpu shall say unto me, "Knowest thou the name of the upper leaf, and the name of the lower leaf?" And the Osiris the scribe Ani shall say: "Neb-Maat-heri-retiu- f" is the name of the upper leaf and "Neb-pehti-thesu-menment" is the name of the lower leaf. And the Majesty of the god Anpu shall say, "Pass on, for thou hast knowledge, O Osiris the scribe, the assessor of the holy offerings of all the gods of Thebes Ani, whose word is truth, the lord of loyal service to Osiris."

(Entering the Hall of Maat to praise Osiris, from the Egyptian Book of the Dead)
my friend is meeting me tonight because i'm in the town i used to live in. there are 40 microbrews on tap where we're meeting. he will watch me have a couple. cuz he can't eat or drink nothin' after sundown.

me neither, and oh course I am already thirsty
He is, after all, quite correct. Jesus did not create a new religion. Peter did. Jesus is merely the masthead of the religion. He is also the only non-Christian in Christianity.
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[End Chorus]
Metalligreed-Leper Messiah