The internet - the worlds greatest equalizer!

My internet personality is the same as it is IRL, however the perception that others have of me might not be accurate due to the limitations inherent to this type of communication.
i do agree since because of the internet i have friends from everywhere. some people on here are proof of that. some are from canada,soem america,some are from mexico and also europe. and i do talk to people of all ages but like most others on here i wouldnt hang out with them if theyre too young. but on here i can talk to anyone. so yes it is an equaliser.
I dunno about my online alter ego.... I find it easier to communicate over the net. I can think about what I wanna say more and if you met me IRL you prolly wouldnt think I was the same person i.e. shy and retiring around peeps I dont know.
I've tried to do the reverse...try to bring out the more sociable, more accepteable me from the internet into real life. It's allowed me to be less reserved IRL. Perhaps a bit more outrageous. Mind you...the repurcussions for outrageousness IRL are entirely different than on here. On here...I can get kicked off/banned...but it's not like you're going to drive to Montreal and kick my ass if I say something that offends you.

The Internet also allows me more time for reflection as to what I want to say.

Have you ever had a moment when you wish you could take something back IRL, or someone says somethng nasty and as you're walking away, you come up with the perfect riposte. The internet does that too!

Nice tooL!
Yes but the perfect comeback normally comes 5 minutes too late when its no longer relevant. I just cant do that thing, not even the psychologist I went to see when I was 16 could do it.... I think I played with his head more than he did with mine :elaugh4:

I find a lot of the time I have to 'play dumb' and let everyone think I am because round here thats more socially acceptable but every so often I let my smarts out and shut everyone the fuck up but I dont like doing that cos it doesnt earn me many friends and keeps even less. Thats IRL BTW
I'm pretty much just the same IRL. Opinionated, outspoken and impatient. Some people see these as bad qualities. :lol:
i dont know that the online life is an alter ego but in my case like stewys it is. im much more shy offline than online.
If you think about it, its an entirely different personality that shows itself. Now is this just you coming out of your shell or the voices in your head getting their say :tardbang:
It is often the case where I have to dumb-down IRL so as not to get carried away. I am not saying that I am that much smarter than many of my friends IRL...but my vocabulary is that much more extensive. I have to narrow down my conversation to 2 syllable words at best... :)

Drives my wife nuts when I do that thought...she seems to feel as if I should let my intellect shine through, but I have seen teh looks that it get me. I prefer keeping my friends thanks :)
Off topic aside

MrBishop said:
I prefer keeping my friends thanks :)

I'm sorry, could you repeat that please? I'm taking notes....for my Christmas list...

Please resume your regularly scheduled programming
Camelyn said:
Please resume your regularly scheduled programming

:lurk: nah I'd rather watch this Bish vs Cam slugfest that just came on. The Tiny Titan vs The Anglican Avenger :battle:
Ding-ding...round one!!

MrBishop rushes in and grasps Camelyn firmly around the head...lifting her up, he turns her around and body-slams her onto the bed. :)

*KY and sex-toys go flying everywhere, bouncing off of Cam's bed and onto the floor*

ROFL....Now know I wasn't talking about you...but you have t' admit that some of the people that I've met through you were...umh...'brain-stem' challenged. :/ does....she....speak....french....english....or....both?
I type like I talk. I happen to like the 3 little dots for verbal pauses :)

MrBishop grasps steweygrrrr about the midsection and tosses him towards Camelyn.

**Cats leap off the bed, frightened for their lives...children run screaming from the room**
steweygrrrr said: does....she....speak....french....english....or....both?

She speaks both...and maybe a bit of greek for all I know :) A very talented young lady, is Camelyn
MrBishop said:
I type like I talk. I happen to like the 3 little dots for verbal pauses :)

MrBishop grasps steweygrrrr about the midsection and tosses him towards Camelyn.

**Cats leap off the bed, frightened for their lives...children run screaming from the room**
*Quickly flips bullet time style and lands on one foot, kick flips the wall and propels himself back at bish*
steweygrrrr said:
*Quickly flips bullet time style and lands on one foot, kick flips the wall and propels himself back at bish*

**Ducking backwards "Animatrix style", MrBishop grabs at a King-Dong (tm) on the floor and swings wildly at Steweygrrrrr's head**

"Take non-conformist mendicant!!"
Rose said:
Ack with the yellow!! You know that's a bitch to read on the grey background,right?

Grey? It's a blueish tone...get your monitor looked at Rose. :)

**MrBishop lands flat on his back (oomph) and swings a leg sideways at Rose, trying to trip her...wondering how she got into Camlyn's bedroom**

Better? :)