The merciful Lord Barac


molṑn labé
Staff member
Highest of the high, lighting our lives with his majesty. All hail Lord Messiah Obama...

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

What? The convention will be overblown, over-hyped over-exposed and sensationalized?????

Say it isn't so.


What do you reckon the other one will be like?
Give him a break. That is his favorite word and he uses it like a teat.

Yeah, I like pointing out your hypocrisy too.

Just like you like throwing around personal attacks and trolling instead of using logic or reason.
Give him a break. That is his favorite word and he uses it like a teat.

hey dude he may be sucking the left teat, but you're on the right one. you throw that word around casually as much as he does. and both of you use it improperly more often than not.
hey dude he may be sucking the left teat, but you're on the right one. you throw that word around casually as much as he does. and both of you use it improperly more often than not.

Hypocrisy is professing beliefs or virtues that you don't really possess. For example Gonz acting as if he has a problem with dramatic backdrops when he really doesn't.

Another example would be Jimbo acting as if he has a problem with sweeping generalizations and complains about "take one person and turn them into every American everywhere"...and then he makes sweeping generalizations about "will work for food" people or animal rights "types" based on a couple instances.
Find me one person who's not a hypocrite, and I'll show you the only person qualified to run your country.

Good luck in your search.
Find me one person who's not a hypocrite, and I'll show you the only person qualified to run your country.

Good luck in your search.
That's the main trouble with being a politician. You HAVE to be a hypocrite. You are supposed to support the general consensus of the population regardless of whether you hold such values or not.

Bush is not being a proper hypocrite by keeping the troops in Iraq f'r instance, despite teh fact that the majority of the populace wants them out. If Bush was saying that he wants them out as well, THEN he'd be a hypocrite..and the right kind of politician :shrug: ;)
Bitching about a backdrop for a speech from one politician while seemingly having no problem with another one using them.

Double standard.

But the difference is one person is the current President of the U.S. who is entitled to the pomp and circumstance and the other person is a wannabe who is in the process of working his way back to Chicago.
But the difference is one person is the current President of the U.S. who is entitled to the pomp and circumstance and the other person is a wannabe who is in the process of working his way back to Chicago.

No, actually Bush used dramatic backdrops in his campaigning.
Hypocrisy is professing beliefs or virtues that you don't really possess. For example Gonz acting as if he has a problem with dramatic backdrops when he really doesn't.

Mayber you need to look up ignorance.

GW Bush was a pilot in ther US military. GW Bush is the Commander in Chief of said military.

Gonz has no problem with dramatic backdrop. Gonz has a problem with a marxist with a messiah-complex using a greek temple (religious overtones-see messiah comples) as a backdrop. He couldn't simply accept his role, in the fashion of all previous candidates, without his ego getting in the way? Notice, he made a cameo on the night that Slick Willie & his VP were to be the headliners.

EgObama '08
You are supposed to support the general consensus of the population regardless of whether you hold such values or not.

No sir. You are supposed to be a leader of men. If we wanted a Senator, we'd vote for....ugh-oh.