The Ministry of Propaganda


Well-Known Member

ABC Turns Programming Over to Obama; News to be Anchored From Inside White House

Tue Jun 16 2009 08:45:10 ET

"On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!

Highlights on the agenda:

ABCNEWS anchor Charlie Gibson will deliver WORLD NEWS from the Blue Room of the White House."

It's safe for AllBarack'sComrades to stop pretending they’re a nonpartisan network.

Fortunately, not quite all of your News Agencies are belong to us now.
So...ABC is doing a broadcast from the blue room and that makes you think that Obama controls it now?

You must be as skinny as a toothpick with all that jumping at shadows and leaping to conclusions.
It is complete insanity. A dangerous precedent. This has never happened before in any previous administration?

A free and independent press is one of the legs on which all representative governments rest. If we loose it we're done.
It is complete insanity. A dangerous precedent. This has never happened before in any previous administration?

A free and independent press is one of the legs on which all representative governments rest. If we loose it we're done.
Again...what makes you think that the White House is trying to wrest control of ABC...or, for that matter, that it's the first version of the White House that doesn't control who gets to do interviews, sit in the press box during conferences and who gets to ask questions.

In the article you posted, an ABC rep states specifically that they (ABC) maintain control of everything.
"ABCNEWS alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president. Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience."

Well Bish its OK if it represents their side! Everyone knows the media is all liberal and only Fox News if "fair and balanced". Its like they say; "the truth needs little explanation". So obviously if you are actually fair and balanced you need to tell people so they will know!
Just the idea of a mainstream network broadcasting their nightly telecast from inside the WH.....and at the end of it saying "and now, a few words from Fearless Leader about your healthcare." It's sickening. It's not the America I used to know.

The WH already has control of ABC:

The Director of Communications at the White House Office of Health Reform is Linda Douglass, who worked as a reporter for ABC News from 1998-2006.

The U.S. has entered a very dangerous time when mass communication, our so-called independent press, is lobbying hand-in-hand with the government.

This will happen every time he has a major agenda to push through.

One day it will be "Good evening. This just in here at ABC News. Fearless Leader Barack 0bama has signed a new law which outlaws Conservatism and Judeo-Christian beliefs. All American citizens who identify themselves as Conservatives, Orthodox Jews or practicing Christians are now enemies of the state, and should be considered extremely dangerous...."
Hush up Lady
didn't you hear
this is how they said it would end
most everyone so inured to the gradual erosion
the almost imperceptible incremental loss of each little freedom
nearly everyone going quietly into the night
now please do shush, quiet, be calm, please desist in making a fuss
a free press is a luxury only afforded a worthy people
if you insist on creating a row save it for the loss of the
right to keep and bear arms
national gun registration will ease the transition
do be a good girl and follow the example set by the
Canadians, British and the Aussies
join the quiet composed compliant unarmed sheeple of the world
of course in America this will require the negation of the fourth amendment
but a satisfactory national emergency will be manufactured for this purpose
the needs of the many will outweigh the needs of a few fanatical gun totin’
right wing zealots perhaps we can interest you in some somatherapy
failing that perhaps some ambien to quell your fear of change…

and thats the way it is

The U.S. has entered a very dangerous time when mass communication, our so-called independent press, is lobbying hand-in-hand with the government.

This will happen every time he has a major agenda to push through.

Riiiiiight. :laugh:

Bush didn't have exclusive interviews and didn't try to use the press to influence the public to go along with his agenda. :rolleyes:

In fact no president has ever tried to influence the public through the media. There's never been any fireside chats until RIGHT NOW! Oh noez! The sky is falling!

Fuck. :rofl3:
"It is unfortunate - and unusual - that ABC is refusing to accept paid advertising that would present an alternative viewpoint for the White House health care event. Health care is an issue that touches every American and all potential pieces of legislation have carried a pricetag in excess of $1 trillion of taxpayers' money.

The American people deserve a healthy, robust debate on this issue and ABC's decision - as of now - to exclude even paid advertisements that present an alternative view does a disservice to the public. Our organization is more than willing to purchase ad time on ABC to present an alternative viewpoint and our hope is that ABC will reconsider having such viewpoints be part of this crucial debate for the American people.

We were surprised to hear that paid advertisements would not be accepted when we inquired and we would certainly be open to purchasing time if ABC would reconsider.

ABC is now a state-run news organization taking their marching orders from the WH. It is no wonder they are turning down offers to present an alternative view.


ABC is now a state-run news organization taking their marching orders from the WH. they're not. Unlike Fox under the Bush administration.

It is no wonder they are turning down offers to present an alternative view.

I don't suppose you have any info from somewhere reliable? Drudge Report has been a joke for quite sometime.
Again...what makes you think that the White House is trying to wrest control of ABC...or, for that matter, that it's the first version of the White House that doesn't control who gets to do interviews, sit in the press box during conferences and who gets to ask questions.

In the article you posted, an ABC rep states specifically that they (ABC) maintain control of everything.


So wait until it happens and ... then what?