The rest of the story

4years * 365 days = 3285
5,100,000 people / 3285 = 1552/day
1552 / 24hr per day = 64.6 killed per hour, every hour, 24 hours/day unrelentlesly for four years!

You're right, Jim. The Nazi Holocaust could never have happened.

Are you saying the Euro & Afro settlers to N America had ovens & deathc camps, systematically & intentionally wiping our millions?
Are you saying the Euro & Afro settlers to N America had ovens & deathc camps, systematically & intentionally wiping our millions? ovens. Biological warfare (small pox laden blankets), death marches and death-camps, yes.

You might want to look into "The Indian Removal Act" of 1830. The "Trail of tears" of 1838....and "emigration depots".

While you're at it, you can check out other "Happy camps" like the one on Ellis Island.

I better stop now...
The disussion was about 17th century pilgrims, not 19th century armies