They don't like free speech


molṑn labé
Staff member
Cartoons are causing a backlash.
Newspapers across Europe have reprinted caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to show support for a Danish paper whose cartoons have sparked Muslim outrage.

Seven publications in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain all carried some of the drawings.

I thought only Americans were bigoted racists? Times they are a changin-back to 1937.

Gonz said:
Cartoons are causing a backlash.

I thought only Americans were bigoted racists? Times they are a changin-back to 1937.


Psst...Europe is still anti-Jewish as well. The guilt of WWII is receding, and xenophobia, while never gone, is on the upsurge.

Muslims offended by caricatures proceed to act them out:

Touchy, touchy

"All major religions will have the fringe elements which give a bad name in the same way that President Bush gives a bad name to Christianity."

But the appeals for calm fell on deaf ears as demonstrators around the world took to the street to vent their anger.

Chants calling for further atrocities like the 7 July bombings echoed around central London as hundreds of Muslims waved placards and burnt flags in a march to the Danish, French and German embassies.

The chants got more violent as the afternoon progressed, with shouts of "bomb bomb Denmark" and "nuke nuke Denmark".

There were also shouts of "Osama bin Laden" and "7/7 is on its way".

The crowd turned almost hysterical when it burnt the Danish flag.

There were rowdy cheers as it went up in flames and was stamped on.



A crucifix in a glass of urine never incited riots. A caricature does. hmmmm

I've easily gotten the conversation on the subject with all the Indianses
the run all the convenient stores around here, and they all are pretty quick
to let you know that they are from India, and Hindu is their religion.
They want nothing to do with Islam. :D

....But the writer had big problems with a painting by Harlem artist "Tafa". It depicts an upside down Christ-like figure with a face strongly resembling Osama Bin Laden. The email read in part, "This is outrageous. This is an attack against my religion. How can an artist go so low? Most people are outraged, most Christians."

On the phone with me, the artist declined to do an on-camera interview, telling me the work speaks for itself, but adding, the resemblance to Bin Laden was no accident.

Sacrilegious and yet you don't see Christians rioting, burning, looting, or even running around chopping the heads off of blacks or muslims. Just an e-mailed letter to the editor.
I'm sorry... did someone declare that to be art? I know 5 y/o's that can do a better upside down Osama-jesus.
Why would it outrage Christians? Jesus was mid eastern. Maybe he did look like that,..
when he was hanging upside down from a tree or something.
I dunno about that what looks like a supposed crown of thorns....maybe a 5 yr old did draw it,
(mentally 5 that is)

Turn it right side up, and I've seen worse.

For all I know jesus coulda looked like an albino. The Bible I have isn't Real specific.
It isn't really important in the overall scheme of things.
Worse things were done to him when he was alive. :shrug:
Representations of the prophet are against muslim dogma. The west seems to go out of it's way to misunderstand that it's not what the pictures look like, it's that there are pictures. I think it's stupid either way, but if we're going to discuss their anger, perhaps we should address what they're angry about. :shrug:
It is far more offensive to burn flags, but that's something everybody is used to.
chcr said:
but if we're going to discuss their anger, perhaps we should address what they're angry about. :shrug:

We're pissed about their beheading people & nobody wants to listen to us either.

The point being made isn't that they're mad. The point is pointing out th eobvious yet overlooked differences between a religion that belittles its idiots & one that arms them.
I've heard or read dozens of news stories in the past few days about how the muslims are upset over these representations of Mohammed. Only one report understood the reasoning behind it. The stupidity of that horrifies me.

Sun Tzu said:
If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles but if you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
Did anyone else see it? What should Europeans fear from November 9? A sign threatening Europeans about September 11 should be 11/9.
unclehobart said:
Did anyone else see it? What should Europeans fear from November 9? A sign threatening Europeans about September 11 should be 11/9.
You know...He's right.
That's true but 9/11 has specific meaning. I doubt Ali Limbali would say 11/9 on his European talk show.