Top ten thing I hate about Star Trek

His Hawk character was great. Kind of an urban mercenery..Bad to the bone...

edit: one day I'll learn how to make words rite...:tardbang:
He played the part of the mysterious guardian angel constrantly saving Spencers butt.

I think the Mustang got more air time than he did.
Did you ever notice that DS9 suddenly got a starship at the end? Know why? Coz there's only so many times you can suggest that wrinkle-noses and ear rings make aliens, before you have to actually go out and find some. DS9 was the soap opera of Sci-Fi. Pure drivel. The bitch will get a movie first.

And can someone tell me how a woman, who lost a ship for nearly a decade on the other side of the galaxy, managed to make admiral before the cap't of the fleet flagship. And since when does a fleet's flagship warrant a cap't anyways. Flagships are always commanded by a comadore, minimum. Usually hosting a rear admiral.
Professur said:
Did you ever notice that DS9 suddenly got a starship at the end? Know why? Coz there's only so many times you can suggest that wrinkle-noses and ear rings make aliens, before you have to actually go out and find some. DS9 was the soap opera of Sci-Fi. Pure drivel. The bitch will get a movie first.

I found DS9 to be better than TNG and Voyager, but just a bit below TOS...

Prof said:
And can someone tell me how a woman, who lost a ship for nearly a decade on the other side of the galaxy, managed to make admiral before the cap't of the fleet flagship. And since when does a fleet's flagship warrant a cap't anyways. Flagships are always commanded by a comadore, minimum. Usually hosting a rear admiral.

Command by committee. Next question?
Gato_Solo said:
I found DS9 to be better than TNG and Voyager, but just a bit below TOS...

Picard was a weenie. Ricker (with the beard) would have made a great cap't.

In all the original series ... and even the movies .... did anyone ever see Scotty's missing digit?
They went out of their way to hide Doohan's missing finger. I think it only slipped through once.

The Defiant was assigned to DS9 in the start of the third season I believe as a little bit of muscle because of the Cardassian/Klingon war had the station way outgunned in case one of them decided to get pissy.
But wouldn't you think that a starship would have it's own cap't? I mean, that's more than just a cap't's jig. And if they needed to use the Defiant to defend the station .... wouldn't the station kinda need it's crew in place, instead of running off and leaving the station to the also-rans?
Professur said:
But wouldn't you think that a starship would have it's own cap't? I mean, that's more than just a cap't's jig. And if they needed to use the Defiant to defend the station .... wouldn't the station kinda need it's crew in place, instead of running off and leaving the station to the also-rans?

The station was owned by Bajor, meaning that Kira Na'Risse was the commander of the station...even though it appeared otherwise. Sisko was a Star Fleet liason, and his original funtion was to represent Star Fleet in an advisory capacity. Since he had more combat experience, Kira let him run the station as he saw fit...
Professur said:
Picard was a weenie. Ricker (with the beard) would have made a great cap't.

Picard was outstanding & Riker was a whining pussy with an ego to match Kirks, sans a ship.
Gato_Solo said:
The station was owned by Bajor, meaning that Kira Na'Risse was the commander of the station...even though it appeared otherwise. Sisko was a Star Fleet liason, and his original funtion was to represent Star Fleet in an advisory capacity. Since he had more combat experience, Kira let him run the station as he saw fit...

funny how that's the exact opposite of how they were always introduced. The station was owned by Bajor. It was run by the feds. Kira was the Bajor liason officer, and Sisco was the fed liason .... to the planet Bajor.
BeardofPants said:
TOS is the bestest trek, hands down. What's not to like? Kirk teaching alien wimmins how to love, Spock, Bones.... :headbang:
Sorry, but the acting ran from wooden to nonexistent and the effects were dated even then. OTOH, I never missed an episode. :D
unclehobart said:
The Defiant was assigned to DS9 in the start of the third season I believe as a little bit of muscle because of the Cardassian/Klingon war had the station way outgunned in case one of them decided to get pissy.

The Defiant was used in the Gamma Quadrant to assess the "Jem Ha'dar' it had a cloaking device donated by the Romulans on the condition that any knowledge gained would be shared(8note : the Defiant was not allowed to use the Cloak in the Delta quadrant).Prior to the Defiant DS9 still had Runabouts(small ships) available ,remember thats how the "wormhole" was revealed/discovered and they used Runabouts many time to travel to the Gamma Quadrant many times until the Jem Ha'dar appeared .