Tortured and Murdered


Well-Known Member

FOX NEWS: U.S. Soldiers Tortured, bodies booby-trapped.

Words cannot express the horror that was inflicted upon these two brave men. I hope they weren't alive when these atrocities were inflicted upon them. My prayers go out to their families:,2933,200419,00.html

So what do they say when torture OBVIOUSLY occurs? How do they react when two U.S. servicemen — in Geneva Convention-approved uniforms — have their hearts cut out, their testicles cut off, their penises cut off and stuffed in their mouths, arms contorted and eyes gouged? THIS is torture.

The lack of coverage and outrage concerning this atrocity only shows who the enemy really is: The ones who would say this is tragic, but now, let's get back to the real news...the story of crimes being committed by American forces in Iraq.

From yahoo:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Troops charged with murdering Iraqi civilian

From abcnews:
WASHINGTON Jun 21, 2006 (AP)The Marine Corps on Wednesday planned to charge seven Marines and one sailor with murder in connection with the April death of an Iraqi civilian, a defense official said.

From msnbc:
Updated: 12 minutes ago WASHINGTON 7 Marines, 1 sailor to face murder charges Accused service members held over April 26 death of an Iraqi civilian

From cbsnews:
(CBS/AP) 7 Marines, 1 Sailor Face Murder Charge The allegation is that Marines pulled an unarmed Iraqi man from his home on April 26 and shot him to death without provocation.

The horrific deaths of these soldiers are tragic. As have been the deaths of all of the other soldiers from various countries along the way.

These were two good men who went over there to serve their country, and lost their lives in the process, as have thousands of others in this war. While I'm deeply distressed about all the other stuff whirling around in this era, I can still take some time and feel their mothers' pain.
I know I can't wait to hear more about the poor suffering Muslims.

Before it gets said for the nth time, percentages be damned. We ain't flown airplanes into civilian structures nor have we mutilated and boobytrapped anyone.

There comes a time when sympathy for the self-avowed enemy must cease. That time has long since passed.

I feel for the families of these soldiers, as I do for the families of all our soldiers who have died there. That emotion is real. So is the outrage I feel toward anything that can do something like this and have the utter gall to still call itself human. Rest assured, I no longer consider them human. I consider them mere target practice.

Make a deep, wide hole in the sand over there. Tomorrow.
Y'know ... I can't quite understand something. I've read many many books on war. Many futuristic novels involving war too. And many, many times, I've seen things like this. And the usual response is to issue a single ultimatum : the residents of this area will identify, capture, and turn over the perpetrators within 24 hours, or this sector will cease to be habitable.

The only way people like this will stop being a threat ... to the population, not just to soldiers ... is when the public is forced to clean up after themselves and stop allowing the perps to hide amongst them. Someone in there knows who did this, and won't do anything for fear. It's time for them to fear not doing anything more.
Cerise said:
From yahoo:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Troops charged with murdering Iraqi civilian

From abcnews:
WASHINGTON Jun 21, 2006 (AP)The Marine Corps on Wednesday planned to charge seven Marines and one sailor with murder in connection with the April death of an Iraqi civilian, a defense official said.

From msnbc:
Updated: 12 minutes ago WASHINGTON 7 Marines, 1 sailor to face murder charges Accused service members held over April 26 death of an Iraqi civilian

From cbsnews:
(CBS/AP) 7 Marines, 1 Sailor Face Murder Charge The allegation is that Marines pulled an unarmed Iraqi man from his home on April 26 and shot him to death without provocation.

Instead of the focus of attention on the troops try and look at this..;_ylu=X3oDMTA0cDJlYmhvBHNlYwM-

And the one that tops them all...
Despite media coverage purporting to show that escalating violence in Iraq has the country spiraling out of control, civilian death statistics complied by Rep. Steve King, R-IA, indicate that Iraq actually has a lower civilian violent death rate than Washington, D.C.

Going by this..

Its safer to be in Iraq then any major city in America...
Professur said:
Y'know ... I can't quite understand something. I've read many many books on war. Many futuristic novels involving war too. And many, many times, I've seen things like this. And the usual response is to issue a single ultimatum : the residents of this area will identify, capture, and turn over the perpetrators within 24 hours, or this sector will cease to be habitable.

The only way people like this will stop being a threat ... to the population, not just to soldiers ... is when the public is forced to clean up after themselves and stop allowing the perps to hide amongst them. Someone in there knows who did this, and won't do anything for fear. It's time for them to fear not doing anything more.

No no no! Those are innocent muslims! As such, they're completely untouchable - unlike innocent Americans.
Cerise said:

FOX NEWS: U.S. Soldiers Tortured, bodies booby-trapped.

Words cannot express the horror that was inflicted upon these two brave men. I hope they weren't alive when these atrocities were inflicted upon them. My prayers go out to their families:,2933,200419,00.html

There's no excuse for that.

From yahoo:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Troops charged with murdering Iraqi civilian

From abcnews:
WASHINGTON Jun 21, 2006 (AP)The Marine Corps on Wednesday planned to charge seven Marines and one sailor with murder in connection with the April death of an Iraqi civilian, a defense official said.

From msnbc:
Updated: 12 minutes ago WASHINGTON 7 Marines, 1 sailor to face murder charges Accused service members held over April 26 death of an Iraqi civilian

From cbsnews:
(CBS/AP) 7 Marines, 1 Sailor Face Murder Charge The allegation is that Marines pulled an unarmed Iraqi man from his home on April 26 and shot him to death without provocation.

But then again, there's no excuse for this either, and even worse, they were civilans.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but since you are into that ball....

Name a war with no torture :p
Luis G said:
There's no excuse for that.

No excuse but still a reason: the perpetrators are vicious barbaric cowards.

But then again, there's no excuse for this either, and even worse, they were civilans.

But those are the charges, not a conviction. I want to believe these men are innocent, and I hope and pray they are found innocent.
Professur said:
Y'know ... I can't quite understand something. And the usual response is to issue a single ultimatum...

It's what should happen, should've happened a long time ago. When bodies of U.S. civilian contractors were burned, dragged, and hanged from a bridge in Faluja.
Cerise said:
No excuse but still a reason: the perpetrators are vicious barbaric cowards.

Here we go again...and the barbaric cowards didn't ask for the US troops to be on their soil.
That this happened was wrong, and sick and disgusting, I hope they catch the fuckers and shoot em.

but taking out a whole area to catch a few....makes the US into what it is saying it is fighting.

also seems that these innocent men paid for the crimes of others, if it was in reaction to what some rogue US troops did, if you punish the non-guilty it becomes a visious circle.
Cerise said:
It's what should happen, should've happened a long time ago. When bodies of U.S. civilian contractors were burned, dragged, and hanged from a bridge in Faluja.

Damned straight.

If it weren't for the left; belittling, questioning, haranguing & generally being a bunch of whiny assed crybabies about everything that the military does, this whole war could have been over 2 years ago. Given proper backing, the US could have used what force was really needed & put an end to this before we hit 2500 dead (over 20% of those are non-war related deaths but they don't pass that info along very freely) soldiers & unknown civilian casualties.

Another boost to liberalism, huh?
and if it wasn't for the right, not one soldier would have been sent to iraq and all those people would have been safe at home with their families.
paul_valaru said:
and if it wasn't for the right, not one soldier would have been sent to iraq and all those people would have been safe at home with their families.
You're right. Then you all could have been at home, safely dreaming of rape rooms & gassed children & living happily ever after with nary a thought to ending such suffering.
Gonz said:
You're right. Then you all could have been at home, safely dreaming of rape rooms & gassed children & living happily ever after with nary a thought to ending such suffering.

or they could have waited for the UN, and had back-up, or realized no one gave them the right to police the world. Or they making up for last time their where rape-rooms and gassed children that they where johnny come latelies. And what about all the countries that also have these things but no oil under them.

Stop blaming the left for all the woes of this war, blame the current administration for not managing it properly, not having adequate plans, not pulling out when they should have.

Also don't put these soldiers deaths on the doorstep of those who don't like war, nor agree with it, blame the people who killed them, as in the people who actually did it, not a country a region a territory a political party or a religion.
Gonz said:
Damned straight.

If it weren't for the left; belittling, questioning, haranguing & generally being a bunch of whiny assed crybabies about everything that the military does, this whole war could have been over 2 years ago. Given proper backing, the US could have used what force was really needed & put an end to this before we hit 2500 dead (over 20% of those are non-war related deaths but they don't pass that info along very freely) soldiers & unknown civilian casualties.

Another boost to liberalism, huh?

The US had unprecidented international and domestic support in Afghanistan ,yet have failed to destroy the Taliban and find Bin Laden.Unfettered support in Iraq would have produced no better results than you are currently experiencing.

Gonz said:
Given proper backing, the US could have used what force was really needed

It was Rummys decision not to send more troops at the beginning of the invasion ,a decision they were then stuck with to save face.