Urban Terrorist shot dead

I don't care for WBC, but they have the right say whatever. I think a big part of what they do is a hustle. I'm all for teasing them for fun, although they will likely sue you if cross that fine line.

Personally I find the WBC as annoying as the militant homosexuals on the otherside. meh.
1. He's Canadian.
2. He's Canadian.
3. He's an avowed atheist who posts quite a bit about his thoughts on religion.

that does nothing to explain the trajectory of his views that you've asserted.

perhaps i should start suggesting you have the opinions you do because you're in the navy, er, that other one...
1. He's Canadian.
2. He's Canadian.
3. He's an avowed atheist who posts quite a bit about his thoughts on religion.

Perhaps...but we're not discussing Phelps in Canada. Nor are we likely to ever do so...we kinda saw through his BS years ago. As I understand, he's not allowed to cross over at all.

I ask questions re: religion...and I'm more of an avowed agnost than an atheist, hence the questions. Heck, I have more of an issue with the effect of the religious on law as opposed to the effect of religion on the individual.

Still doesn't answer the questions asked. Free speech has limits within your own boundaries. Phelps skirts the boundaries, and oversteps them often. And gets away with it.
Kinda like that guy at the military base. I guess that he wasn't a terrorist either..just a criminal. Depends on who's doing the labellings, eh.

If he was promoting jihad, he was a terrorist. If he was a nutjob, he's a criminal.

Context is everything.
If he was promoting jihad, he was a terrorist. If he was a nutjob, he's a criminal.

Context is everything.

Promote a political/social opinion while committing a crime = terrorist


Gay-bashers, abortion-clinic bombers, people who knock over tombstones in jewish graveyards, people who spray-paint swastikas, people who loiter on corners while holding signs that say "God hates gays", PETA fools that break into and release animals from test Centres, TEAbaggers that block traffic and disturb the peace, Greenpeacers who block fishing trawlers - all committing crimes while trying to promote a social/political agenda. Terrorists, the lot of'em

M'kay...I can agree with that.
nah you can do whatever you want as long it's for jesus or to defend your idea of what some dusty axiomatic pile of text says. ain't no terrorism, it's what is right. don't forget it.
I think where a lot of so called Christians get mixed up is...
Jesus had hate for circumstances, and actions, not the people/persons themselves.

I don't see anywhere that Jesus hated persons, as God is no respecter of persons.
Now he talked/did different with respect to 'nations', and ideologies, that
were contrary to his teachings.

Rev 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

These are the only type things of hate which Jesus said.
that does nothing to explain the trajectory of his views that you've asserted.

So...because you can't see it, it isn't there.

minkey said:
perhaps i should start suggesting you have the opinions you do because you're in the navy, er, that other one...

The Navy falls under the same rules...
jesus hated the roman masters and wanted 'em dead. only later did they turn him into a cheek-turning wuss.

apparently a docile population is preferable to those in power than a sword-swinging uppity one. imagine that.
the burden is upon you to clearly articulate your assertion. that hasn't happened yet.


The person I was responding about originally got it. If you can't, then its on you to figure it out. Use that education of yours. I'm sure you'll put the pieces together.
well at one level it's pretty fucking obvious what you're trying to assert, but setting aside the obvious parts - which apparently bish gets, and disagrees with, as well - there's nothing there of substance, so i think i'm just wondering if there's something else in there that isn't so slack-jawed. if you want to stick with "because he's canadian" (LOMFL), that's fine. best of luck.
jesus hated the roman masters and wanted 'em dead. only later did they turn him into a cheek-turning wuss.

apparently a docile population is preferable to those in power than a sword-swinging uppity one. imagine that.

maybe the 'story' in some book you've read, but not my Bible.