UV index where you are?

i think he agrees with you...on not being able to tolerate too much direct sunlight ;)

most peeps with red hair and pale skin have problems with that...:)
I do. And I work 6 weeks outside 24/7 at a summer camp. Sunburns suck, but you get better and better at avoiding them.
i get those just before my skin starts to "peel" after spending vacations on the beach, and yes i use sunblocker but still burns.
Vortex said:
(if you two or more blistering sunburns in your life, your chances of getting skin cancer are doubled :( )

If that's really true, *that* worries me. I've definitely had more than two, being another 'ginger' as our UK friends call us.

Vortex, do you know where you got that figure from? My parents would be interested in it, being they live in Florida and are terrible about taking care of their skin.

The last time I was badly burnt, I was out in the Hamptons and fell asleep in the sun. First (and last) time in a bikini. I was purple and really swollen with pitting edema. Not good!! I was peeling for weeks. That was years ago though.
A little bit of sunlight won't cause cancer... Well, at least if you eat healthy. You really think people that worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in the field (say 500 years ago) all got skin cancer?
500 years ago there was a fair ammount of ozone and the pollution levels are not even worth of comparation.
btw, did you know that there's a big possibility that Leonardo Da Vinci had skin cancer?
Jeslek said:
A little bit of sunlight won't cause cancer... Well, at least if you eat healthy. You really think people that worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in the field (say 500 years ago) all got skin cancer?

stupid twat. you have no idea what you're talking about. the situation 500 yrs ago can't be compared to the current situation. in no way.

your obsession about eating healthy is becoming annoying as well. of course healthy food is important. but health depends on various factors.

a little bit of sunlight won't kill anyone, true. but the amount of UV-C that reaches the surface of the earth in let's say....Australia...has raised dramatically the last decades. and there has been an quite high increase in cases of skin cancer.
not all get skin cancer. nobody ever said that. but an increase is causing worries...the current state of the ozon layer isn't that well at some places.
that's a fact.

another fact is that the increase of UV-C levels is causing more cases of skin cancer. of course you can just deny that, or make remarks like you just did. but heh, go ahead. you're only kidding yourself.
I'll dig around for some linkage. Vortexes statement is correct, I'm sure. We get the skin cancer warnings daily on the news in the summertime.
Me too. One time I got burned so bad I couldn't put any clothes on for 2 days.
None...and anybody that would have tried to touch me would have paid dearly, once I could walk again.
Q said:
Me too. One time I got burned so bad I couldn't put any clothes on for 2 days.

Same here. Except only on my shoulders. Blisters the size of nickels, I kid you not. I only wish the pictures came out. It HURT. :(
i guess replying to my post was a bit too much for Jessica-erk.

it's always a pity to be proven wrong i guess.
I remember the last time my legs got sunburned. My legs are quite hairy, so when the skin was peeling off I'd have one-inch-square pieces of skin with little holes where the hairs would pass through. :D