Water, water, everywhere...

Ya know, I thought we were gonna have the mother of all hurricanes on a weekly basis. Flooding is needed ro refill reservoirs. Maybe we have too little global warming.
We hit total watering bans out here a few weeks ago... so far the lawns have failed to turn to crispy dead yet. The water issue isn't quite a front page issue yet... but its close.
I've already started adding to my emergence drinking water supply.

I also have a water filter ,and a lake/creeks if it gets really bad.

Purdue is an alarmist, the lake ain't gonna dry completely, it just hurting
the pocketbooks of all the people that make money from activities on the lake.
There are several Strong Rivers running into it.
In the drought of the late 1980s and early 1990s here, there were people in Santa Barbara that had to paint thier lawns green because of water rationing.
I would figure something rather thin... sorta like green Kool-Aid. It would wash out with the first rain... rain that was never coming... so it would stick around for 6 weeks to 3 months probably.
Florida has complained the state is not sending enough water downstream to protect mussels, and the state's environmental chief sent a letter to the Corps on Wednesday that warned reducing the water flow "would severely impact Florida's natural resources." Alabama Gov. Bob Riley has urged the Corps to release more water from Georgia's lakes to help his state cope with the dry conditions.

Its going to get worse before it gets better. Maybe the ACErs need to look at a nation-wide series of pumping stations. Get some of that water from the oversoaked midwest to areas that are dry. :shrug:
Floridas seafood is suffering?! Screw them. Everything up here is suffering. Damn up the 'hooch and let them feel a drought for once.
The 300+ acres my grandparents owner (on my mother's side) that
the gov. Took for about half market price....., Is completely dry now again,
except for the 5 streams running through it.
Its going to get worse before it gets better. Maybe the ACErs need to look at a nation-wide series of pumping stations. Get some of that water from the oversoaked midwest to areas that are dry. :shrug:

Oversoaked can become dry in a hurry. A better idea would be to realize than nature has cycles (that we don't/can't predict) & learn to live with it. Sometimes it floods, sometimes it gets dry & sometimes it's just right.

Whatever twit thought bringing miwestern/eastern flora to the Arizona desert was a good idea ought to be beat.
Floridas seafood is suffering?! Screw them. Everything up here is suffering. Damn up the 'hooch and let them feel a drought for once.

Atlanta wouldn't be having this problem if it weren't for corrupt politicians encouraging unbridled development in order to line their pockets.

From ResearchMonkey's article:

But environmentalists contend the state should have been better prepared for a water shortage, which they say is an inevitable result of decades of pro-growth policy that led to metro Atlanta's sprawl.

"Whether you've lived in Georgia for five months or 50 years, it's easy to see the huge numbers of people moving to the state was going to put the squeeze on our water resources," said Jill Johnson, the interim director of Georgia Conservation Voters.

"The Corps has become a scapegoat for a lack of political leadership over the issue of water," she said. "It's been massive unchecked development that's put further strain on our water supply."

The oyster industry in Apalachicola Bay existed many years before the Corps dammed up the Chattahoochee to provide water for the city of Atlanta. Screw the city of Atlanta. They brought their suffering on themselves.