Welcome to the dependency class

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

Great nations rise and fall.

The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to dependence; <== YOU ARE NOW HERE
from dependence back again to bondage.

Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747–1813)
pretty much

But Jim, if you want to think I am a racist, that is ok.

Never said that you were a racist and have never seen anything you have posted to give me that impression. What you DO do is to suggest that everyone else is a racist and that is the point.

I look at a man and I see a man. You look at a man and you see a <enter color> man. You then transfer that to others as though they see as you see. We don't.

It is the Liberal Left who see the color of everyone. They cannot separate race and politics. They see the first Black president not the first Socialist Marxist president. They see the first Black man to occupy the White House not the most Liberal president since FDR.

It is you and yours who, as Bish posted, always "drag an unspoken racist opinion kicking and screaming into the light". Note, however, who are the ones who are always speaking about it. Who are the ones who are dragging it out? Not me. Not Gonz. Not Cerise. Not Gato.

Because I have my own opinions of you as well.

If one of those opinions is that I am a racist it would come as a great shock to my Black/White/Mexican/Indian grandson. Trust me. I get the animus from both sides of the racial bigotry spectrum because I am a race mixer. They call my offspring "mud people".

If there is anything that the likes of Tom Metzger, David Duke, Louis Farrakahn, and the late and unlamented Kahlid Abdul Mohammad agree on is they all hate my guts.

You are nothing more than one more in a long line of "one mores". Welcome to the crowd.
I see the subtext behind the often repeated Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

And I find the assertation of ANYONE being colourblind silly.

I truly beleive everyone is bigoted.

Yep, even me, not proud of it, try to identify it in myself, and get rid of it, but it is there.
Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747–1813)

Actually, the quote is inaccurately attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee [LINK] in a book which no one has ever seen "The Fall of the Athenian Republic". [LINK] There is not even a copy in the Library of Congress. Apparently, the book does not, and never did, exist. That is why I did not link an author to the quote. The quote is merely timely in its inferences.

The quote is unattributable to anyone so the author remains unknown. There is a great concensus that Tytler would have been the type of guy to make such a quote.
I see the subtext behind the often repeated Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

And I find the assertation of ANYONE being colourblind silly.

I truly beleive everyone is bigoted.

Yep, even me, not proud of it, try to identify it in myself, and get rid of it, but it is there.

I never bring up the Hussein part other than to discuss why we are disallowed from discussing it. "Hussein" is the third word he will utter when he takes the Oath of Office. I wonder if he will say "So help me God" at the end being as he is an avowed Christian and all.
I never bring up the Hussein part other than to discuss why we are disallowed from discussing it. "Hussein" is the third word he will utter when he takes the Oath of Office. I wonder if he will say "So help me God" at the end being as he is an avowed Christian and all.
I don't see why not...:shrug:
His last words of the acceptance speech were
Obama said:
Yes We Can. Thank you, God bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.
Let the issues be the issue

i'm sorry, but who the fuck are you to question the sincerity of his faith?

And where did you dredge that up from my post? I never questioned his faith, whatever that may be. I merely posed a question and you read whatever came into your head into it. Maybe I was questioning his choice of automobiles as well, huh?
I don't see why not...:shrug:
His last words of the acceptance speech were

That is a standard ending salutation in every speech regardless of who gives it. I seem to remember his NOT using that turn of phrase in his past speeches.