Welcome to the dependency class

And where did you dredge that up from my post? I never questioned his faith, whatever that may be. I merely posed a question and you read whatever came into your head into it. Maybe I was questioning his choice of automobiles as well, huh?

the tone of your comment was pretty obvious. i doubt i'm alone in my interpretation of it.
Actually, the quote is inaccurately attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee [LINK] in a book which no one has ever seen "The Fall of the Athenian Republic". [LINK] There is not even a copy in the Library of Congress. Apparently, the book does not, and never did, exist. That is why I did not link an author to the quote. The quote is merely timely in its inferences.

The quote is unattributable to anyone so the author remains unknown. There is a great concensus that Tytler would have been the type of guy to make such a quote.
Even a partial (wrong) attribution is better than just a straight quote with nothing underneath it to indicate that said quote is not written by you...which is why I added it in.

I think that it's pretty naive way of thinking anyway...as if every civilization that has existed or will exist is doomed to follow this thread from creation to destruction - not to mention the assumption of where we are currently on said grocery-list of events.
Let the issues be the issue

Barrack Schwatzennegger.
Even a partial (wrong) attribution is better than just a straight quote with nothing underneath it to indicate that said quote is not written by you...which is why I added it in.

Then the correct attribution is:
- Anonymous

I think that it's pretty naive way of thinking anyway...as if every civilization that has existed or will exist is doomed to follow this thread from creation to destruction - not to mention the assumption of where we are currently on said grocery-list of events.

So where are you on the grocery list; and where are the majority of your countrymen?
Then the correct attribution is:
- Anonymous

So where are you on the grocery list; and where are the majority of your countrymen?
I have issues with the list such as it is, but if forced to choose..I'd say
The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness; <== YOU ARE NOW HERE
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to dependence;
from dependence back again to bondage.

With that line describing free-market/capitalist ideals seeing it's rotten core. (The wide dissparency between the upper and middle classes)

It would take me more than just a few lines to try and describe the sine-wave of growth and decline that great societies go through until their apple-cart is overturned (usually by outside forces) and they begin the fast decline into the long-dark tea-time of the soul - so to speak. OR they fight to regain their freedoms/power again.
I fixed it for you:

I have issues with the list such as it is, but if forced to choose..I'd say
The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness; <== YOU ARE NOW HERE
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to ignorance;
from ignorance to dependence
from dependence back again to bondage.
I fixed it for you:

I have issues with the list such as it is, but if forced to choose..I'd say
The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness; <== YOU ARE NOW HERE
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to ignorance;
from ignorance to dependence
from dependence back again to bondage.

We have an author! Tonksy revises it as her own.
You want to see ignorance?


I wonder what Peggy Joseph is doing today. She is the epitome of the apathetic, ignorant voter. She wants to do nothing and get the government to do everything for her. I wonder if she expects Obama to pump that gas for her too.
i just wish i could be a dynamic, self-starting rugged individual like peel rather than a lousy member of the dependency class. oh to be a true american hero...

yeah spike i voted for that horrible, horrible muslim commie, and i'll prolly get bit by his tax plan. oh my god, a few percent. how will i ever live? what shall i ever do? where shall i ever go? this may stunt my entrepreneurial nature forever!!!! we're all fucked! no more trickle down for dumbfuck joe the kinda_plumber. nope, i'll be snaking my own drain. oh the horror.