*fog clears* Ah! I see........can't wear a wooly had at the mo'......with the stubble on me head it'll stick like velcro :lloyd:
tonks said:
well...i'm not expert but this is what google says is a touque...if i'm wrong, i'm sure one of those silly canucks we post with will correct me! :D

Close enough...it's a nice generic term for a warm hat for winter...prefereably with a pom-pom on top :)
I'm thinking that it's 11h15pm, I've finished my wokr for my presentation tomorrow, I'm hoping that the client will like it and hand over a nice cheque for 1/2 the costs. :)
Camelyn said:
I'm thinking (as I watch a re-run of Andromeda) that I am really, REALLY gonna miss Tyr. He is a damn fine looking specimen of the human male.



I'm still thinkin' about Tyr ;)
I'm thinking how sad I am that Rose cannot appreciate my eye-candy :(

But, on the bright side, one less chick to share my candy with. She's got her bowl, and I've got mine ;)
:mad: :gun2: :disgust2: :smash: :grumpy: :bitchslap :mad4:

:crying7: *sigh*

Thanks for that - please return to your regularly scheduled activities....
OTC hosting restrictions prevent me from hotlinking to a piccy of what I'm thinking at this moment.......

....... but as a side thought: I'm wondering if I should start building an ark....lotsa rain here...
Camelyn said:
I'm thinking I really have to start checking my kids pockets for kleenex before doing laundry.

I have given so much hell to me mum with that. So many loads riddled with white flaky paper.
I'm thinking that I really wish I had stayed in bed today. :sleep:

I'm also thinking that Sharky's new AV is hilarious-I couldn't help but giggle when I saw it! :)
SexyBoo said:
I'm also thinking that Sharky's new AV is hilarious-I couldn't help but giggle when I saw it! :)
i know, right? it's like what a sharks high school yearbook picture would look like...together with the title, it's perfect.

i'm thinking about organizin' my children dresser drawers today...but it just sounds so boring....
I am thinking about the utter fascinations in life and making friends with shadows...and how only they will always promise to stay with you when all others abandon you.

I am thinking how in all its glory and splender, all of its marvels and visions of arcadia avaliable to gaze upon, a simple smile in the evening lit sun with true artistery can lighten the heart to unknown extents.

How all the mountains with their pretencious peaks fail to make the blood rush compared to simple scroll of a gentle finger down my arm leading to an eventual grasp of the hand.

I am thinking how, even when, i refuse to believe she keeps making me want to hold on. How, when i want to believe, she wants me to unwind and let go of everything.

How she will never let me rest and how will never let me frown all the while giving me the most bitter of pains...wrapped in the most sweetest of a visage.

How she makes me mad so often yet i never seem to be able to tell her......not even being able to tell myself of the anger sometimes i have towards her.

I am thinking how she makes me go on yet makes me stay all the while making me think its my fault. I am thinking how i appreciate her for never lying to me even when the truth is too much to bare. I am thinking i am unfair to her and sometimes i thought i didn't deserve her because as long as i can remember she has been with me while deserting other more deserving men to bare her gift on.

I am thinking i should tell her more often through my actions that i love her...with all her faults and gifts.

Life...she is so funny with me...but i am thinking i am glad she is with me.
I'm thinking about how letting go is really tough - and how much my heart is hurting right now. I'm also hoping that things get better - and that he somehow finally will have happiness in his life.... :love3: