i have had it 3 times and i love it. there arent too many restaurants close to me that have it but there is a few.
I'm thinking that I hate running into the man I'm in love with unexpectedly - particularly when I will probably never get to really spend time with him ever again.... I am totally pitiful. :mope:

I'm thinkin' I've been bloody conned.

There is a nasty flu virus going around at the mo' and lo and behold....this morning I wake up with a sore throat and a bit of a headache.......so I buy some medicine......Beechams Flu Plus.

touch wood, I've felt ok for most of the day but in the last couple of hours I've had a few sneezing fits and the odd cough, so I thought I'd make one of the Beechams drinks to take before I went to bed. Open the medicine box and what do I find? FOUR BLEEDIN' SATCHETS! Four doses! for £3.15! Then on the back of the pack it says "NO MORE THAN FOUR DOSES TO BE TAKEN IN 24 HOURS" Ha! fat chance of that unless I take out a second bloody mortgage!

Well, excuse me Mr Beechams for not havin' the constitution of a bloody athelete.......but my flu usually lasts more than 24 hrs :eh: Next time, I'll buy the cheaper medicine......

S'cuse me, I'm a ratty wotsit when I got flu...
You definately have my sympathy.

I'm thinking is it one of those cough/sniffles/fever type flu's, or one of the bodily fluids exiting from all orifices types.

I'm also thinking I'm odd for thinking about this.
Re: Grrr

Oz said:
I'm thinkin' I've been bloody conned.

There is a nasty flu virus going around at the mo' and lo and behold....this morning I wake up with a sore throat and a bit of a headache.......so I buy some medicine......Beechams Flu Plus.

touch wood, I've felt ok for most of the day but in the last couple of hours I've had a few sneezing fits and the odd cough, so I thought I'd make one of the Beechams drinks to take before I went to bed. Open the medicine box and what do I find? FOUR BLEEDIN' SATCHETS! Four doses! for £3.15! Then on the back of the pack it says "NO MORE THAN FOUR DOSES TO BE TAKEN IN 24 HOURS" Ha! fat chance of that unless I take out a second bloody mortgage!

Well, excuse me Mr Beechams for not havin' the constitution of a bloody athelete.......but my flu usually lasts more than 24 hrs :eh: Next time, I'll buy the cheaper medicine......

S'cuse me, I'm a ratty wotsit when I got flu...
both for you....:coffee: :kiss:
Im a boy... It should be plainly obvious what I'm thinking about. If I'm not thinking about it... I'm thinking about why I'm not thinking about it.
unclehobart said:
Im a boy... It should be plainly obvious what I'm thinking about. If I'm not thinking about it... I'm thinking about why I'm not thinking about it.
what's my excuse?
Leslie said:

Simple applied Psychology.....the capitol letters stand out to the eyes in a swarm of normal typed thread titles. A safe measure to ensure somewhat above average attention to the thread.
i'm thinking i wanna run away...live under a bridge somewhere...i'm thinking my shoulders hurt and my right eye has a twitch and i haven't taken a bath without a rubber ducky being involved in well over a week...i'm thinking this pot isn't that great...i'm thinking $30 is alot to copyright something...i'm wondering why it costs so much...maybe so people don't copyright utter crap...maybe my stuff is utter crap...maybe everything really is my fault...maybe...but i'm thinking that's subjective...i'm thinking i'm too tired to sleep...i'm thinking that sucks...