I'm thinking I'd much rather be at the Gunflint Lodge in Minnesota right now, skiing down this trail....

Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm thinking I'd much rather be at the Gunflint Lodge in Minnesota right now, skiing down this trail....


I'm thinkin' that I'd also rather be there as well...........
I'm wondering who's really searching for a heart of gold before they grow old.

But then, the voices are kind of rambling and mixing things up in the ol' noggin today.
I'm thinking that I wish I hadn't slept wrong last night - then my neck wouldn't hurt every time I turn my head left. :crying4:
I am thinking I need to take lessons because trying to teach myself the guitar is incredibly fucking hard.
IDLEchild said:
Amateur...naked chicks in my head 24/7

strange. mine arent always naked but they end up that way.

guitar is fun but it is hard to learn. if you can just get some books for beginers itll help much
freako104 said:
guitar is fun but it is hard to learn. if you can just get some books for beginers itll help much

I stupidly got the Best of Rage against the machine book which lays out the basics of Tom Morello's style....that man's riffs are so complex and brilliant whereas I can barely do the intro of Seven Nation Army.

I need to learn chords and the correct finger positioning for those chords.
IDLEchild said:
I stupidly got the Best of Rage against the machine book which lays out the basics of Tom Morello's style....that man's riffs are so complex and brilliant whereas I can barely do the intro of Seven Nation Army.

I need to learn chords and the correct finger positioning for those chords.

I learned finger positions from my brother. I learned most of the songs I can play from memory (incubus - drive; pink floyd - wish you were here, among some others) by looking repeatedly at http://www.olga.net
Mirlyn said:
I learned finger positions from my brother. I learned most of the songs I can play from memory (incubus - drive; pink floyd - wish you were here, among some others) by looking repeatedly at http://www.olga.net

I just tried to play drive..and lets just say I drove to nowwhere. I have only learned Coldplay's "Don't Panic" so far only because it is possibly the easiest song ever written.....you seriously need to have no knowledge of reading tabs or any skill at the guitar to learn it in 10 min flat.

I need to learn finger positions because i have no clue how to move from one note to another without messing up.....seriously Incubus tabs are hard because Mike is all over the place with his riffs.

The thing is this isn't a hobby for me...I really want to very good with this instrument even if it means hours of frustration every day. I want to get very far ahead on this instrument.
aha! You did turn your water painting face down on it. Dincha? :eek5:

I'm thinking I need to lie down for a year or two...
i'm thinking I'm tired. And that this lap harp is really neat if I could get the *acquired* music to fit it right ...
I'm thinking Unc could probably perk me right up *reads his sig* if only my av wouldn't kill the mood