What if Bush has been right about Iraq all along?

tank girl said:
Gonz, what do you get out of throwing the term "liberal" around like its a loose swear word?

i think he gets something like $ 0.02 everytime he says it, and he's been trying to get a millionair with it...

everyone who doesn't 100% agree with Fuhrer Gonz™ will be called either "liberal" of "commie".
it's one of those nice certainties in life ;)
Shadowfax said:
i think he gets something like $ 0.02 everytime he says it, and he's been trying to get a millionair with it...

everyone who doesn't 100% agree with Fuhrer Gonz™ will be called either "liberal" of "commie".
it's one of those nice certainties in life ;)

I knew there must be an explanation!
stating the "what if" makes it sound like Bush has been wrong, and that Gonz now wonders how things would have been if he had been right ;)
Of course he was right, it was a no brainer!

And those who oppose the Bush policies have no brains
or worse they are on the side of the insurgents.
Of course they will scream 'no no no we aren't on the side
of the bad guys" Then of course that merely puts them
in the category of those with no-brains. Simple enough for ya?
The quote is from the article written by a self avowed commie pinko fag Liberal bastard,
what else would you expect?
Winky said:
Of course he was right, it was a no brainer!

And those who oppose the Bush policies have no brains
or worse they are on the side of the insurgents.
Of course they will scream 'no no no we aren't on the side
of the bad guys" Then of course that merely puts them
in the category of those with no-brains. Simple enough for ya?

Winky said:
Of course he was right, it was a no brainer!

And those who oppose the Bush policies have no brains
or worse they are on the side of the insurgents.
Of course they will scream 'no no no we aren't on the side
of the bad guys" Then of course that merely puts them
in the category of those with no-brains. Simple enough for ya?

best arguments i've heard so far :D
Winky said:
Of course he was right, it was a no brainer!

And those who oppose the Bush policies have no brains
or worse they are on the side of the insurgents.
Of course they will scream 'no no no we aren't on the side
of the bad guys" Then of course that merely puts them
in the category of those with no-brains. Simple enough for ya?

Hard to argue with stone-cold logic like that :rolleyes:

Yep, I'm against Bush's policies so I MUST be on the side of the insurgents who are shooting at the only person with whom I can exchange a kidney.
rr are you one of those that thinks what Hanoi Jane did
wasn't tantamount to giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy"?

Or was the North Vietnamese's side right?

Which is it boy pick er choose
take a side and stick wid it!
Winky said:
rr are you one of those that thinks what Hanoi Jane did
wasn't tantamount to giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy"?

Or was the North Vietnamese's side right?

Which is it boy pick er choose
take a side and stick wid it!

Quit drinking before you post.
Luis G said:
"What if Bush has been right about Iraq all along?"
That indicates that he's most likely wrong.

Another astute observation from the wonderful Luis :rofl:

As much as Gonz was trying to use the column as yet another opportunity-prop of 'evidence' towards his noble OT crusade set on proving the 'truths' and 'revelations' of his sacred agenda...

*ahem*...thought I'd provide the follow up to that (thanks to the conservatively opportunisic camp) infamous column...

this guys a flippin genius. ;)

What's so shocking about having second thoughts?

February 2, 2005


Let's pick up where I left off: It is highly unlikely that I will be voting Republican for president in 2008, no matter what happens in Iraq.

[TG: :lol: it gets better:]

But my suggestion to the contrary was the only statement made in Tuesday's column, "What if Bush has been right about Iraq all along?", that I didn't sincerely mean.

I feel the need to offer that clarification because those who read this space regularly are familiar with my tendency toward sarcasm, but Tuesday's column reached a whole other level of readers out there in cyberspace who have never seen a Mark Brown column but took a surprisingly strong interest in my reaction to the Iraq elections.

For most of the day, their e-mails have been rolling in here at a rate of about four per minute -- which comes to 240 per hour. While that has tapered off as day turns to night, my new e-mail alert is still clicking every minute.

'You are an idiot'

I consider this mostly a nuisance because the bulk of the correspondence is from out-of-towners who don't buy the Chicago Sun-Times, in effect, drowning out the voice of the Chicago readers who pay for the privilege of letting me know how irritating they find my views.

I'll never find time to read all this mail, the mixed tenor of which can be judged from the subject headings: "The Dumbest Column Ever Written," "Your intellectual honesty an inspiration," "You are an idiot," "A profile in courage," "Craven sell-out," "You're totally right," "How naive can you be?" and "Hats off to you!" But I promise to try to print a batch later this week.

The reaction certainly has made for a most unusual day, the strangest part coming when I heard from family and friends that Rush Limbaugh was quoting from the column and remarking favorably about it.

Regular readers will find it shocking that I even have family or friends who listen to Limbaugh, but as the governor of Illinois can tell you, there is no accounting for family, and I have too few friends to let politics get in the way.

Premise of war was still faulty

As you might guess, Limbaugh is not one of my heroes, and it pains me to give him succor. I lean more toward Molly Ivins, who no doubt would have taken my Tuesday column and carved it to shreds while keeping a sense of humor about it, had she taken any notice at all.

So the attention makes me more than a little uncomfortable, and I'm still trying to figure out what to make of it as I fend off interview requests from bi-coastal radio talk show hosts and Fox News. And sure, I left out some important points such as the faulty premise on which the war was sold -- the old weapons of mass destruction.

This is no time for further waffling, however, so I stand behind what I wrote, the gist of which, if you're wondering what the fuss is about, was that the sight of Iraqis embracing their right to vote forced me to re-examine my views on the war and to seriously consider the possibility that President Bush will succeed with his Iraq strategy and was right to take us to war.

If you read the column, you'd know I didn't totally flip-flop, but I opened that door, which is apparently so unusual these days that it merited attention from Rush and the Drudge Report and an entire world that I rarely visit, as well as inspiring fellow liberals to want to drum me out of the corps.

Politics' sad state of affairs.

I'm glad I wrote the column, though, even if I'm wrong, because it helped bring into focus something else that I've been wanting to say for a long time, which is that it's a sad state of affairs in our politics when people are so locked into being in one camp or the other that they can't review the evidence as it presents itself and adjust their thinking accordingly. [tg: hoooraaaaay :lol:]

How else can you explain some local columnist with liberal intentions drawing so much interest just because he wondered aloud that maybe he had been wrong and that the other side had been right?

I don't ever want to be one of those columnists -- or commentators -- who just take all the information they receive and hammer it into their pre-conceived notion of the truth.

If I did, I'd do radio

It amuses me the way most people tend towards being certain about almost anything they independently interpret as being the explicit intention of what is said or written as true; simply because of a tendency to function along the plane of one narrow perspective :shrug: