What is your sexual preference?

What is your sexual preference

  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 35 85.4%
  • Homosexual/Gay

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Don't really know.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Please be curtious in this thread. The poll itself is anonymous and no one who responds to the poll need reply to the thread.

Sorry guys......I have enough trouble with my own dangly bits, anymore would just be too much trouble :)
Well it works double well if it's a guy Justin. That means one less male looking for a female and one more female needing a straight male. :devious:
Hetero but I was almost scared off after my last GF!

Justin wouldnt you just love to know that I was best friends with both a lesbian AND a bi girl? :grinyes:
The way I prefer sex, I can't do with my wife... the way we're both built, it won't go in very well in that position :(
I'm straight. My fantasy is a threesome, whether it be with two guys or another girl with a guy. In my opinion, just because I or someone for that matter has a sexual experience with the same sex does not make them bi or gay/lesbian
A bit off topic (imagine that!) but what the hell. I have a friend, a guy, who had 3, yes 3 girlfriends in a row who left him for women. Without having shown any hint of bisexuality beforehand. Let's just say he had a bit of trouble getting over that, and still does...of course, we *do* tend to bring it up as often as topically possible, but we are bad, bad, evil friends. ;)

Unfortunately for him, his very next girlfriend, whom he dated for 6 years, started dating his best friend from childhood, 2 weeks after they broke up...while the three of them were living together! :eek:

And you thought *your* life sucked.
CydCharisse said:
I'm straight. My fantasy is a threesome, whether it be with two guys or another girl with a guy. In my opinion, just because I or someone for that matter has a sexual experience with the same sex does not make them bi or gay/lesbian

Lemme call Prof...we'll be right over :)
Well, myself not imto 2 guys?!?! always wanted to try 2 women, BUT never treied tht either.... For the time being i like man and woman, so guess im heterosexual!!! AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY !!!!!!!

i don't get any, what does that make me?

no, i dig chicks, but i still think gay guys throw the best parties