What makes your job scary


What makes me scared is when people pull out so they don't get stuck behind the ole schoolbus! RT. 41 a death trap here and they want to make it to the seniors breakfast or wallyworld!
Ms Ann Thrope said:
bad art
pompous collectors
self-centered artists
vindictive colleagues
moronic curators
obnoxious and ignorant public
and very very very few sales :crying3:

As I recall, that is every day ;)
I just saw the interview with the truck guy, he seemed remarkably calm. I believe I would have still been screaming like a little girl. the pic doesn't give a very good sense of how high that bridge is. :D
Re: What makes my job scary?

BeardofPants said:

Iye,its Supergran.



To be honest..Church ain't all that scary a job.
As for my Graphic design freelance...the scariest part of that is:

Failure to succeed.
at the Y, mostly just stupid parents, and getting my ass kicked by buff women :p

at the flower shop, delivering flowers to seedy neighborhoods during weather (-25F) that requires me to leave the van running all the time. that and damaging funeral arrangements. if you ever die, don't order enourmous arrangements for the funeral, they're a PITA. and pick a funeral parlor that closes the door to the morgue and doesn't leave stiffs in the flower room. they're icky.