These are the issues that need solutions now, and Christopher Walken is not afraid to address them. He wants his supporters and opponents to know that he is clear in his ideals and will fight to lead America to a better place.
Campaign Finance Reform:
"I believe that campaign finance is a very tough issue, with good points on both sides; but I feel, as a wealthy American, that I should have no more say than even the least fortunate American citizen. Free speech in politics is about the voices of all those who support you, not who supports you with the biggest voice."
There is nothing correct in the McCain-Feingold Act. Even McCain has stated that this is not what he intended. McCain-Feingold is the reason we have gotten nothing but trash-throwing politics since its passage. When all of the good one can say about a candidate is restricted speech then all that is left is everything bad. The 527s have proven that.
Military Funding:
"I am a huge supporter of the military. I have always thought of them as our guardians, and when our guardians are making less than the poverty line, and children are suffering because their parents decided to join the military, well, I get very upset. I feel that instead of sending billions to the Pentagon's pet projects, it should go to the troops."
So he apparently wants to give the troops a pay raise and defund the weapons with which they fight. Good plan if you want to lose the war.
Stem Cell Research:
"I'd met Chris Reeve several times before he died, and after having met him it is tough to be against [stem cell research]. I am for human knowledge and expansion of human life. If stem cells are one way to do that, I cannot support legislation to restrict this potentially life-saving research."
There has never been a single breakthrough using fetal stem cells. All of the breakthroughs which have occurred have been through the use of adult stem cells.