When will they learn?

All I'm saying is that she shouldn't be blamed for what happened to her simply because she went somewhere by herself. She should have had every expectation of being able to make it home safely.
it's sexism mate ...

SNP isn't allowed to walk anywhere at night without his girlfriend being around ...

...but that's probably a whole other issue ... :D

(just kidding SnP - well mainly .. if you know what i mean... ;) )
All I'm saying is that she shouldn't be blamed for what happened to her simply because she went somewhere by herself. She should have had every expectation of being able to make it home safely.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens all too often. Just because you expect something, doesn't mean you'll get it. That being said, if I was wandering out alone, drunk, and I disappeared, who do you think would actually care? How many people would say "He should've known better than to be out there by himself..."
oh dear Gato .... that is opening yourself up ain't it? :D

:D !

well ... you gotta larf someyimes - y'know?

esp if you are under the work pressure i am at the mo' - it's quarter to one ( AM) and i'm still at work - laying off and rendering fer tommorow - not a day i am in all honesty looking forward to - but saying that - if it don't go pear - it's all good!


best, BB
oh dear Gato .... that is opening yourself up ain't it? :D

Not really. There are places I won't go alone, and there are times when I won't drink a drop of anything alcoholic because of the area I'm in. While it is reasonable to expect some modicum of safety wherever you go, you also have to exercise some common sense. I don't go out looking for Klan rallies to walk through, nor would I expect total safety if one cropped up nearby. Too many people with too high of expectations causes this kind of thing almost every time...
So then, let's incarcerate the criminals instead of giving them neurological disorders or blaming their mother.
No, the criminal caused this. If they weren't a criminal there wouldn't be a crime.

Most crimes happen because of two things...motive and opportunity.

Question...Do you lock your doors when you leave your house?
I know I'm going to be called an idiot (get in line) but no, I don't.

I'm not going to call you an idiot. I am going to say that that idea is lunacy, but that's niether here nor there. I have another question...Why don't you lock your doors when you leave your home?
Originally it was because it wasn't necessary...I had roommates and someone was almost always home. Got out of the habbit. I live in a "safe" neighborhood, I know and trust my neighbors, and I have an 80 pound dog with a very deep and loud bark.
Originally it was because it wasn't necessary...I had roommates and someone was almost always home. Got out of the habbit. I live in a "safe" neighborhood, I know and trust my neighbors, and I have an 80 pound dog with a very deep and loud bark.

Okay...now we see why. What if you didn't have the dog?
If a store owner turns his back for second and I take the opportunity to steal something expensive I can blame it on him for turning around.

This blame the victim stuff could work out nicely.