When will they learn?

My dog has problems with pork bones. More than one & she's sending them back, express delivery. (dumbass dog actually eats the bones) That doesn't stop her wanting more.
If a store owner turns his back for second and I take the opportunity to steal something expensive I can blame it on him for turning around.

This blame the victim stuff could work out nicely.

---> My point

--->spike's head
I think you missed my point. You continue to try to shift blame to the victim for not taking every possible precaution and fail to understand that the blame lies squarely on the criminal.
I think you missed my point. You continue to try to shift blame to the victim for not taking every possible precaution and fail to understand that the blame lies squarely on the criminal.

No. You tried to change a salient point to an extremely tenuous opinion.

1. Nobody ever said that every possible precaution should be taken. Just the opposite happened here. She took no precautions at all.
2. Nobody said she shouldn't have been safe. People in general, however, are not safe. She expected too much, and paid a very high price for it.
3. If you, personally, are out late at night...under the influence...would you wander off alone, or would your friends be watching out for you?
4. There is no such thing as a 100% honest person.

Every time I hear a story like this, I always ask myself why they ignore the possibility that it could happen to you. You can call that paranoia if you like, but this isn't the end. If you make yourself a target, someone will take a shot.
1. You really don't know what precautions she took.
2. People in general are safe from kidnapping. She expected what she should have.
3. Sure, I've walked home from bars many times by myself.
4. Yeah?

All this is beside the point though. You said "The expectations of safety caused this. If the opportunity wasn't there, then the criminal wouldn't have reacted" where you clearly say her expectations caused this.

You're blaming the victim and it's not her fault. It's the criminals.
1. You really don't know what precations she took.
2. People in general are safe from kidnapping. She expected what she should have.
3. Sure, I've walked home from bars many times by myself.
4. Yeah?

All this is beside the point though. You said "The expectations of safety caused this. If the opportunity wasn't there, then the criminal wouldn't have reacted"
where you clearly say her expectations caused this.

You're blaming the victim and it's not her fault. It's the criminals.

So...after a night of 'socializing'...walking home is a smart thing to do? That was her fault. It comes down to personal responsibility. If she was with friends, or took a taxi, and got snatched, then she took precautions. Then it would fall 100% on the criminal. She didn't do those things. If you walked in Central Park at 2:15 AM with $100 bills in plain view, and got robbed, then that would be stupid on your part, would it not? Same principal applies here. You want to be stupid, don't cry when stupid things happen to you. That's my whole argument in a nutshell.
So...after a night of 'socializing'...walking home is a smart thing to do?

I've found it to be especially smart if I've been drinking. Much more responsible than getting behind the wheel.

Really nothing like being free to walk from one place to another.
I've found it to be especially smart if I've been drinking. Much more responsible than getting behind the wheel.

Really nothing like being free to walk from one place to another.

Must be nice to live in a gated community. The only place I walk around late is is on base. My chances of getting home...in one piece and with all my possessions...is damned near 100%. I won't do this on an unfamiliar base, nor would I do it off-base. I like the way you ignored my statement about this, though...

me said:
So...after a night of 'socializing'...walking home is a smart thing to do? That was her fault. It comes down to personal responsibility. If she was with friends, or took a taxi, and got snatched, then she took precautions. Then it would fall 100% on the criminal. She didn't do those things.

You immediately said what you might do. You ignored the fact that she was in a large city. You ignored the time of night. You ignored the fact that she was alone. Most criminals will target someone whom they perceive as weak. What are your height and weight? You try to put yourself in her shoes, but you can't. Its apples vs oranges.
Must be nice to live in a gated community. The only place I walk around late is is on base. My chances of getting home...in one piece and with all my possessions...is damned near 100%. I won't do this on an unfamiliar base, nor would I do it off-base. I like the way you ignored my statement about this, though...

You immediately said what you might do. You ignored the fact that she was in a large city. You ignored the time of night. You ignored the fact that she was alone. Most criminals will target someone whom they perceive as weak. What are your height and weight? You try to put yourself in her shoes, but you can't. Its apples vs oranges.

Since when is Burlington a large city? I've been there before and it's small. I bet it has a pretty low crime rate too.

I live in WAY more populated area and I'm not afraid to walk from one place to another by myself. I've walked home from the bar countless times by myself at 2-3am. My girlfriend is not afraid to walk alone to 7-11 at night past a couple panhandlers ever.

To place any of the blame on the victim just because she was walking from one place to another is ridiculous. The blame lies 100% with the criminal who abducted her.
Estimated Population, 2005 38,531
Total Population, 2000 39,824

Total Population, 2000
...(of all races) that is Hispanic / Latino 546

...that is White Only 35,883

...that is Black / African American Only 693

...that is Asian Only 1,031

...that is American Indian / Alaska Native Only 182

...that is Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Only 8

...that is Some Other Race Only 211

...that is Multi-Racial 881

Rather tiny ,Nanaimo is twice that size.
Look, I will readily admit that this chick, and many like her, made a bad decision...but this was not HER FAULT. Blaming the victim is really lousy. This could have easily happened in her safe locked dorm room...and then who would you blame?
it's sexism mate ...

SNP isn't allowed to walk anywhere at night without his girlfriend being around ...

...but that's probably a whole other issue ... :D

(just kidding SnP - well mainly .. if you know what i mean... ;) )

If I walk anywhere at any time with my girlfriend, I am anything BUT safe. My wife would kick my ass up between my shoulders.
Look, I will readily admit that this chick, and many like her, made a bad decision...but this was not HER FAULT.

Go buy the book Gravity Dreams.

Frankly, I've little sympathy. I score this one along side someone who causes a fatal car accident because they didn't have their brakes checked. If you could have prevented it, you carry a share of the blame.

and I've heard "I didn't know the brakes needed checked..." before. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THEY'RE ADVERTISING ALL THE BRAKE JOBS ON TV FOR? Stupidity is no excuse. It's a crime, who's maximum punishment is death.
But would you lock your door? Without having a way to protect your 'inner sanctum', would you secure your items?

Maybe, maybe not. My wife would for sure. I'd be too depressed to leave the house for a few days since Hippo would be gone :crying4:
Look, I will readily admit that this chick, and many like her, made a bad decision...but this was not HER FAULT. Blaming the victim is really lousy. This could have easily happened in her safe locked dorm room...and then who would you blame?

Never said fault...only responsibility. I also said that...if she'd taken the proper precautions and it still happened, then she would bear no burden of being stupid. It's like going to a place with an "Off Limits to Military Personnelersonnel" sign in mess dress because you like the music. :nuts:
...who does that?

Exactly. I'll agree that people should be safe walking around alone at night...even in a drunken state. However...I know that isn't an iron-clad guarantee. Always take precautions, and you minimize your risk. The girl disappeared because she didn't take precautions. You keep saying it isn't her fault, its the criminals fault, but ask yourself one question...if she'd been walking with a friend, or riding in a cab, would this have happened? Then assign fault how you like. :shrug: You should know that from your shore-leave briefings...
So the only thing she is guilty of is feeling invincible...like every other young person. I'm not saying she didn't make a way bad decision but the beginning of this thread was very harsh.
It's going to be great when the adductor is caught and they uses this defense.

"Your honor, the girl was walking from one place to another after sundown. What was my client supposed to do? Not kidnap her?"