Judging the Muslims by their fundamentalists: bad. Judging the Mormons by their fundamentalists: good. Anti-Islam biased Web site: bad. Anti-LDS biased Web site: good. It's good to see that's settled now.
You'll notice that when BYU did shock therapy, homosexuality was listed as a sociopathic personality disturbance in the DSM. I'm glad to see we're now singling out individual groups for what was the norm at the time. As for the Boyd K. Packer sermon, that's nothing more than semantics. If a gay man were to hit on me, I'd probably not take it too well. I probably wouldn't hit him, but in the sermon, he didn't tell people to hit gay dudes either.
You said Mormons hate gays. That means Mormons the people.
Judging the Muslims by their fundamentalists: bad. Judging the Mormons by their fundamentalists: good. Anti-Islam biased Web site: bad. Anti-LDS biased Web site: good. It's good to see that's settled now.
If a gay man were to hit on me, I'd probably not take it too well. I probably wouldn't hit him
You're jumping to the conclusion that the security guards arrested and handcuffed the pair. The story does not say that. In fact, it doesn't say who arrested and handcuffed them at all. You assumed it was the security guards. I assumed it was the police. If other guards had to come to get them off the property, then, at that point, they were being argumentative and verbally abusive. If that is the way it panned out, then you have the scenario I assumed... i.e. stopped by security then, later, arrested and handcuffed by the police. Nothing else makes any sense...
Aune, 28, said he gave Jones, 25, a hug and kiss and that the two were then approached by a security guard, who asked them to leave, telling them they were being inappropriate and that public displays of affection aren't allowed on the property. He said other guards arrived and the men were handcuffed.
"We asked what we were doing wrong," Aune told The Associated Press.
Church spokeswoman Kim Farah said in a statement Friday that the men were "politely asked to stop engaging in inappropriate behavior -- just as any other couple would have been."
"They became argumentative and used profanity and refused to leave the property," she said. The church did not immediately respond to a request for more comment.
Police later arrived and both men were cited with misdemeanor trespassing, Salt Lake City Police Sgt. Robin Snyder said.
"It doesn't matter what they were asked to leave for," Snyder said. "If they are asked to leave and don't they are ... trespassing."
The article is quite specific..lemme quote it here and bolden the timeline events related to the handcuffing.
MrBish said:Citizen's arrest speak of felonies and not misdemeanors. I still say that they went too far.
PDAs are not illegal...though they do make some people uncomfortable.
Yes, it does. "The Mormon Church hates gays" would mean that the church is anti-gay. "Mormons hate gays" means that the people hate gays. It seems like a simple concept, really. You said that Mormons hate gays and I can round up quite a few who don't hate them, regardless of how they feel about homosexual behavior.Does it? Or is that just what you want it to mean for your straw man.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one. You sure do appear to be judging the LDS faith on its fundies, but apparently the man who works with words every day for a living can't read English and knows so much less about it than the man with the mystery job.That's yet another straw man. People gotta learn that this tactic doesn't work. I don't judge religions by their fundies
For as much as you repeat "straw man" (despite your spotty grasp of what that really is, considering I pointed out the thing about you accusing people of judging Islam by its fundamentalists and posting things from biased anti-Islam Web sites yet you posted items about violence from Mormon fundamentalists and from a biased anti-Mormon Web site, and you called that a "straw man"), you sure do seem to use a lot of your own logical fallacies.What's up with that? You might hit him? WTF.
Would you punch an ugly chick if she hit on you? What if you accidently hit on a lesbian? Should she clock you?
Sounds like you got a bit of the hate going there.
....If a gay man were to hit on me, I'd probably not take it too well. I probably wouldn't hit him....
Yes, it does. "The Mormon Church hates gays" would mean that the church is anti-gay. "Mormons hate gays" means that the people hate gays.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one. You sure do appear to be judging the LDS faith on its fundies, but apparently the man who works with words every day for a living can't read English and knows so much less about it than the man with the mystery job.
For as much as you repeat "straw man" (despite your spotty grasp of what that really is, considering I pointed out the thing about you accusing people of judging Islam by its fundamentalists and posting things from biased anti-Islam Web sites yet you posted items about violence from Mormon fundamentalists and from a biased anti-Mormon Web site, and you called that a "straw man"), you sure do seem to use a lot of your own logical fallacies.
You might want to read up here on fallacies. Your favorite seems to be the false dilemma.
Looks pretty damn public to me.
The Catholic Church is against abortion. When I say a church is for or against something, I say the church is against it, not that Catholics or Mormons or Muslims or whoever are against it. That makes things clear and it doesn't make it look like I'm falsely generalizing the entire population.Nope, "catholics are against abortion" means that the catholic stance is against abortion. Not that all catholics are against abortion.
"Every day" is two words, chief.Wow, you'd think the guy who works with words everyday
Oh, how silly of me to have thought that you had read my prior post, in which I said something along the lines of:would realize posting a couple links proving Cerise wrong about their history of violience is not the same as judging all mormons by their fundies. Maybe you're not very good. Their weren't even any of my own words in that post.
Was there a point to adding that sentence other than to try to use my own words in an argument against me?I call bullshit.
Did you even read your own link? A straw man is when you take what someone said, distort it and attack the distorted position. That's different than attributing something to someone that they didn't say.Obviously you don't understand the straw man. A straw man is attributing something to someone they did not say in a discussion. Proving Cerise wrong by showing that mormons do have a history of violence does not fit that description in the least.
Do a little research here:
Stop being stupid. Everyone but you knows exactly what I meant, and in fact, you know what I meant too but are just trying to -- hey, what do you know? -- set up a straw man by saying I said I'd deck any gay man that hit on me (even though I didn't when I actually was in that exact situation) when that's a distorted version of what I said.Yeah, that doesn't fit at all. You said "I probably wouldn't hit him". That necessarily means that you're not sure if you'd hit him. Somebody that works with words should know this.
RandomJACKASS stated it pretty well in his post above.Also you clearly stated that you wouldn't take it very well. Why is it that you wouldn't take it very well and there's some possibility that you would hit him?
The Catholic Church is against abortion. When I say a church is for or against something, I say the church is against it, not that Catholics or Mormons or Muslims or whoever are against it. That makes things clear and it doesn't make it look like I'm falsely generalizing the entire population.
"Every day" is two words, chief.
Oh, how silly of me to have thought that you had read my prior post
Was there a point to adding that sentence other than to try to use my own words in an argument against me?
Did you even read your own link? A straw man is when you take what someone said, distort it and attack the distorted position.]
That's different than attributing something to someone that they didn't say.
Stop being stupid. Everyone but you knows exactly what I meant
by saying I said I'd deck any gay man that hit on me
Also, when did I say you were creating a false dilemma in that post? I only said that is high on your list of favorite fallacies to use, particularly in your asking Cerise if she's a white supremacist.
Doesn't sound like hate to me. If a gay man hit on me somewhat politely I would definitely not hit him, just tell him I wasn't gay and be flattered I suppose. If a gay man rudely hit on me, like groped me inappropriately, well he might get decked and I am sure that would be true of most guys. I think if you go and touch a woman inappropriately in the course of hitting on her, you should not at all be surprised if she slaps you. Its not hate, its just not tolerating being rudely disrespected.