Woke up this Morning too....

PuterTutor said:
I'm thinking once it's below 0, it's all just fucking cold. There really isn't too many shades until your coffee freezes in the cup before you get to the car, then it's time to turn your ass back around and go back inside.

You should see what -30C (for real, not windchilled) does to a can of Coke that you forgot was in the car.
Pls note that Paul's temp reading are in celcius and not farenheit...in F, the temp over the next few days is: -13, -18, -12, -11, +6 (not including windchill)

At least we're not in Alaska...umh..nevermind, it's warmer there...umh...Siberia? Yeah...Siberia where it's -29, -25, -25, -29, -29


Brr de fuckin brr

OH and PT... the difference between zero and 30 below zero celcius... skin freezes at -30 in less than 3 minutes, at zero, it'll take about 30 minutes of exposure before you have to worry about it, at -45, it's less than 1 minute, and at -50...it's almost instantaneous.
Professur said:
You should see what -30C (for real, not windchilled) does to a can of Coke that you forgot was in the car.

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl: I remember that story...friggin hilarous...eh, Prof...remember the surprise party for Isabel's ex, all those cans of coke in the trunk? Almost pissed myself when I heard it :)
MrBishop said:
:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl: I remember that story...friggin hilarous...eh, Prof...remember the surprise party for Isabel's ex, all those cans of coke in the trunk? Almost pissed myself when I heard it :)

I have no clue what you're talking about. I was referring to the time I forgot a can in the drink holder of the GetAway Colt and it blew straight up, freezing before it hit anything and filling the car with cokesnow. Little snow-cicles hanging from the roofliner.
Professur said:
I have no clue what you're talking about. I was referring to the time I forgot a can in the drink holder of the GetAway Colt and it blew straight up, freezing before it hit anything and filling the car with cokesnow. Little snow-cicles hanging from the roofliner.

Yeah...I refer to that one in the first part of the post, the second part of the post is something that happened to Isabel (She told me about it a few years ago)...seems that she was throwing a surprise party for her now-ex. Didn't want to give away that there was a party going on, so she hid 2 24's of coke in a can in the trunk of her car. Hubby came home and heard something weird coming from the trunk...a kind of popping sound with a thud now and again...shen he opened up the trunk...Voila...frozen Coke. :)
MrBishop said:
Yeah...I refer to that one in the first part of the post, the second part of the post is something that happened to Isabel (She told me about it a few years ago)...seems that she was throwing a surprise party for her now-ex. Didn't want to give away that there was a party going on, so she hid 2 24's of coke in a can in the trunk of her car. Hubby came home and heard something weird coming from the trunk...a kind of popping sound with a thud now and again...shen he opened up the trunk...Voila...frozen Coke. :)

:rofl4: :D:D:D

Now I don't feel so bad for forgetting the two liters of Coke and a thing of liquid ALL detergent in the back of the pickup overnight. It was well below freezing.

:blush: erm ... anyone know if either product is still good? Nothing ruptured ...
The Coke might tast a little funny, but it will be ok to drink. The All shouldn't be affected at all.
PuterTutor said:
The Coke might tast a little funny, but it will be ok to drink. The All shouldn't be affected at all.

Sweeet. The boys will drink anything - including the leftover-from-Christmas-opened-that-day 2 liter of Pepsi that's been sitting on the fridge. I'm sure they'll never know the difference in the Coke.

No harm to the Coke. They ship and deliver in unheated trucks. Might be a little flat, but other than that ...
'Tis pretty mild [for winter] here! :swing:

Not that I'm sunbathing in the garden or anything...
WHOOO! Sunday it's gonna be 1C!!! That'll be almost t-shirt weather :lloyd:


The season of hoodies is upon us. Even sweaters are not usually sufficient cause they have holes...hoodies and winter jacket!
Oh C'mon. I bet if we did a thread like the pencil test you could win this one hands down. Imagine the poor southern girls having to go to the grocery store and stand in the freezer section just to compete.
PuterTutor said:
:twitch: Peace?

What's that?

The youngest is 8, the oldest is 15, so about the time the youngest is moving out, the oldest will probably be getting divorced and moving back home.

Feeling your pain Dude!!!! :lol2:

:sadhug: Hang on PT-its has to get better-Im sure of it :winkkiss: