Word of the day...

The simplicity of the secret behind "yeeshbah" reminds me of an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Calvin says to Hobbes, "penny for your thoughts." Hobbes responds that this thought is worth a dollar. They haggle, and fianlly Calvin relents and gives Hobbes a dollar. the thought? A fool and his money are soon parted. Fighting and hilarity ensues.
dopeler effect- the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
Do they really seem smarter, or do we just give up to stop the f*cking noise? :rofl:

The exploitation of beautiful women ("chix"), commonly used as a selling point of otherwise awful movies, eg Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle. Similar to Blacksploitation, eg Blackula.

Sure the chixploitation flick didn't have a plot, but that upskirt shot of Cameron Diaz ensures that video sales will be excellent

assmosis - the process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing up to the boss rather than working hard.
cinderellaware - software (demo or shareware) which becomes useless after a trial period unless the user pays for and registers it.
seagull manager - a manager that flies in and makes a lot of noise, dumps on everyone, and flies out again, still squawking.
cavernocity quotient: Measure (in cc) of the empty space in a skull due to brain size vs. skull volume. Can vary from moment to moment in the same person.
prairiedogged - the feeling of helplessness that overtakes you when co-workers in neighboring cubicles constantly pop their heads up to ask you stupid questions.
blamestorming - sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
Gato_Solo said:
prairiedogged - the feeling of helplessness that overtakes you when co-workers in neighboring cubicles constantly pop their heads up to ask you stupid questions.
Ahh, the story of my existence. :D
spamouflage - an intentional typo, such as Vikagra, used by spammers to fool spam filters.
i did some uni project work in the less than fair city of swansea, and during one of the research wanders discovered a particularly dodgy looking lane called 'salubrious passage'. very apt.

by way of note, whenever i see this thread i am reminded to think of th fine chat up line - 'the word of the day is legs, let's go home and spread the word'

ris said:
by way of note, whenever i see this thread i am reminded to think of th fine chat up line - 'the word of the day is legs, let's go home and spread the word'


:D that's a good one
ALPOPUCK n. - Any empty dish pushed around the kitchen floor by a dog trying to get the last morsel.
Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
Kinda like a Brain Fart -like when you hold a fart in and it travels to your brain, and you get all your shitty ideas from...

word of the day:superkalafragilisticexbealidocious (not sure what it means, ask Mary Poppins...