?..you're most painful food related incident


New Member
mine........a friend cooked mango stuffed chicken breast for me. i ate it, thought it tasted a bit strange, and spent the next two days in hospital and couldn't eat chicken for 6 months
the verdict -
giving someone salmonella poisoning really isn't the best way to get laid

:sick2: *puke* :dump:
I accidentally swallowed a cube of un-dissolved Wasabi. I had severe stomach pains for several days. Ow.
dragonstar said:
oooooooooohh! that's gotta hurt!!!!
It sure as hell did. You know, dissolved wasabi burns your skin.... Imagine un-dissolved. That's really really really really really(etc) painful.
Edit: Unndissolved, turning into a concentrated goo in your stomach, that is.
Kawaii said:
It sure as hell did. You know, dissolved wasabi burns your skin.... Imagine un-dissolved. That's really really really really really(etc) painful.
Edit: Unndissolved, turning into a concentrated goo in your stomach, that is.

did you need a stomach bypass?.....or.....let me guess.....alot of milk consumption or mylanta was involved?
dragonstar said:
did you need a stomach bypass?.....or.....let me guess.....alot of milk consumption or mylanta was involved?
Lots of milk and stuff. I think some un-whipped cream was involved too.
I never really had "a" painful food related incident... unless you count Irritable Bowel Syndrome... more an "en mass" experience... just don't get in the way... :eek: :bolt: :dump:
Aunty Em said:
I never really had "a" painful food related incident... unless you count Irritable Bowel Syndrome... more an "en mass" experience... just don't get in the way... :bolt: :dump:


yes i definately count that, anything that involves the expulsion of unnatural like matter counts here, hehehehe

now i don't feel so bad after a really heavy night on the piss!

uh-oh i feel a post about grog bogs coming on
i once got a hot mayonaisse burn on my thigh once. true story. my friend jill and i were at a mickey d's and we had just received our food and as i was unwrapping my very hot chicken sandwich, jill peeled out of the parking lot or slammed on her brakes or something and the hot, mayo-covered chicken breast fell on my upper thigh. really did burn me. and before you say i should have sued, forget it. i mean, i wasn't exactly traumatized and i was in the navy so i had free medical care.....besides it wasn't mcdonalds fault, it was jill's.....and it just ain't cricket to sue your best friend.
tonks said:
i once got a hot mayonaisse burn on my thigh once. true story. my friend jill and i were at a mickey d's and we had just received our food and as i was unwrapping my very hot chicken sandwich, jill peeled out of the parking lot or slammed on her brakes or something and the hot, mayo-covered chicken breast fell on my upper thigh. really did burn me. and before you say i should have sued, forget it. i mean, i wasn't exactly traumatized and i was in the navy so i had free medical care.....besides it wasn't mcdonalds fault, it was jill's.....and it just ain't cricket to sue your best friend.
Exactly...do the next best thing......bug the hell out of them from now on about it so they don't forget. :D More annoying/effective than suing.
Mirlyn said:
Exactly...do the next best thing......bug the hell out of them from now on about it so they don't forget. :D More annoying/effective than suing.
you're absolutely right...she lives in st. louis now, maybe i will call her and bring it up.....oh, she'll love that...laugh me right off the line prolly. i love jill.
Montreal Olympic Stadium - Koscher hot-dogs - they're expensice but large and come with a lot of stuff on them...including hot peppers!

I had 3 for myself, plus 3/4 of mrsBish's last one....LOT of hot peppers!

COmbine the runs, with the burns and I was leaving smoke signals as I ran to the loo.

i'm going to be very delicate about this one....just a word to the wise.
women, never have a quickie in the kitchen when your partner has just finished chopping jalapenos for you. please use your imagination...
tonks said:
i'm going to be very delicate about this one....just a word to the wise.
women, never have a quickie in the kitchen when your partner has just finished chopping jalapenos for you. please use your imagination...

*uses his imagination*

Hmm, seems to involve a lot of language that would make a Nun flinch..........and a bucket of natural yhogurt :eh:

Another lil' word to the wise.........lads, never pinch yer girls bum when she is lifting something out of the oven, they very rarely get the joke :bolt:
bleach said:
*uses his imagination*

Hmm, seems to involve a lot of language that would make a Nun flinch..........and a bucket of natural yhogurt :eh:

Another lil' word to the wise.........lads, never pinch yer girls bum when she is lifting something out of the oven, they very rarely get the joke :bolt:

yes.....you better get out of the way real quick or else you might get that hot pan full of paella in your perfectly groomed hair

plus a broken nose! :mad4:
Aunty Em said:
I'm always seriously disturbed by kebebs.... having seen one of those meat things riddled with maggots! *puke*

Oh bejesus! :sick3:

I've made it a rule never to eat a kebab while sober........don't think I'll bother even when I drunk now :sick:

.you better get out of the way real quick or else you might get that hot pan full of paella in your perfectly groomed hair

plus a broken nose!

Makes ya jump, dunnit? :laugh5:
bleach said:
Makes ya jump, dunnit? :laugh5:
my husband does that to me when i am bending over to turn my bath water on. and i keep thinking, one of these days i'm not gonna see him come up and i'm seriously gonna bust my ass in the tub.