Youths Torch Buses Around Paris

Aw c'mon. We all know that ain't gonna happen. Right here in the good ol' US of A, when a convenience store is robbed and the local news puts the story out, the suspect is described only as a male, 20-25 years old, 5'10, 180 pounds.

They do that here in Charleston, SC as well...but they always seem to show pictures of the 'alleged' perpetrator...unless said perpetrator is a non-minority. Then the only show the pictures about 45% of the time...:shrug:

SnP said:
Something as useful as what color his skin is must be omitted lest we be accused by the [Rush Limbaugh enunciation] Reverend Jackson[/enunciation] of racial profiling. So instead of narrowing down the suspect, the public is left with a description that would fit about 8% of the people in town. Handy as a pocket on a shirt.

8% is still a small number. Besides...most intelligent people can figure out the race of the alleged perp just by listening to what the crime was...;)
You should see them in Montreal... sports riots are interesting, but when Guns and Roses cancelled their show after 10 minutes on stage a few years THAT was a riot.

Shame they didn't catch the little midget and hang him up by his scarves. :hmm:
You should see them in Montreal... sports riots are interesting, but when Guns and Roses cancelled their show after 10 minutes on stage a few years THAT was a riot.

Shame they didn't catch the little midget and hang him up by his scarves. :hmm:
That was the same show where the Hetfield of Metallica had his arm half burnt off from a pyro miscue, was it not?
I believe so... of course, Metallica had to cut it short. Guns and Roses had a chance to steal the show and make things all better, and instead, Axl fucked everyone over.
I believe so... of course, Metallica had to cut it short. Guns and Roses had a chance to steal the show and make things all better, and instead, Axl fucked everyone over.

Worst than that...they made the crowd wait close to an hour before they took the stage, stayed on for 10 minutes, stopped..Axel didn't like that he wasn't getting all the attention he deserved, said "Fuck this" and exited stage left.