Recent content by $ponge

  1. $

    enjoy privacy while it lasts

    So if I stay away from the Goat cheese and curdeled milk I should be ok right? :confuse2:
  2. $

    $20 million grant to help Indians reclaim land

    I wonder Could it have anything to do with the rail road company wanting to have use of a bit of the land.
  3. $

    Dumb as a post or evil?

    human neutering
  4. $

    buying wholsale

    I sell on ebay and was wondering where can i buy stuff wholesale. I would like to buy computer related products but anthing will do. I have a wholsale licence if that matters. :(
  5. $


    lol me and my bro just just bought markers. spent like 600 bucks each. O well ther bad ass they shoot like 10 balls a second :gun4: nobody can toutch us they just cower in the bushes. Its kinda fun to run off 15 or so guys. :P hunting them down and shooting them while they try to hide...
  6. $


    Has anyone played this before? a friend invited me to go and i think im addicted. :D
  7. $

    My fishy web page is done!

    Toolbox I just thought your buddy should know. I have downloaded the pictures in that gallery as a zip named ocean wallpapers.
  8. $

    Short story...

    assholes cloging up the operation get the boot real fast :grumpy:
  9. $

    My fishy web page is done!

    The background makes it look cheesy. :D I have a suggestion put up some pictures of salt water tropical fish. :P they are much more apealing. Is this a temporary project? I have been thinking of making a tropical fish message board.
  10. $

    whats your favorite tv?

    21'' trinitron
  11. $

    Anyone know HTML? I need some help.

    Just go get frontpage or dreamweaver. You will have it done in seconds
  12. $

    Stem Cell Research

    The potential of stem cell technology is to make the undifferentiated, non-specific stem cells grow into specific cell types that can be used to replace damaged cells that occur in many diseases. For example, the hope is that one day it may be possible to grow brain nerve cells to replace those...
  13. $

    New otc Logo suggestion

    Nice, but what is that grass? mind if i tweak it a bit?
  14. $

    re-do the logo vote?

    Ris Its not the size of your logo man, its the fact that the vote was stacked, and you might of not won otherwise.