all good things (come to an end)

AE/AS (me) remains stuck on someone else and can't ever seem to get any traction to move forward.

Thats why everythings casual. Yes I try very hard to get past it, give people lots of my time and energy.

In the end though..the heart wants what it wants, even when it cant have it.

It's pretty crazy.

Hell, im pretty crazy.
browneyedMAC said:
*lmao* .... no

i am: single, never married, no kids, and white (100% italian to be exact)

Italian people aren't white...

For the record I'm not being racist or Italian friend told me Italian people aren't white...
browneyedMAC said:
for YOU everything may be casual, for some, not so much.... hence the dilema

Frick, the last time that happened I fell for the girl about the time she decided I was a waste of time. Now Im the one screwed.

I should just run right!
Piper said:
Does that mean all of us "caucasians" have a little Itatlian in us? lol

well piper, you know there are three types of people in this world...italians, those who wish they were italian, and those other poor sob'
Piper said:
And who wouldnt want to be like that?

you'd be surprised...have an ex bf, kinda got freaked out by the affection...didn't like to give affection, didn't like to receive affection. needless to say, i woulda shriveled up and died, so that didn't last!!
ye 'ole curse of likability...lmao...that is the kiss of death in relationships huh? "i really like you, let's be friends" ....doh!!!