Bitch about work thread.


Well-Known Member
[Today 11:24pm] Altron: and where I can ask for something, and they say yes
[Today 11:24pm] Altron: Where I can say "no"
[Today 11:24pm] Altron: And I'm just finally beginning to reach that point of seniority.
[Today 11:24pm] Altron: They've been busting my balls for a year.
[Today 11:23pm] Altron: Until that point, they were completely fucking her over in terms of hours.
[Today 11:23pm] Altron: It's obvious to everyone that the only reason she has the rather comfy 9-5 M-F job is because she's the only one who is available to work those hours.
[Today 11:23pm] Altron: People can call out whenever they damn well please, with no reprecussions. The girl I like and I go above and beyond on a regular basis to cover, and get pats on the back.
[Today 11:22pm] Altron: My usual is 5-10 friday, 9-5 saturday, 9-9 sunday
[Today 11:21pm] Altron: The only reason I don't get conned into working double shifts on weekends is because they already schedule me for tons of weekend hours.
[Today 11:21pm] Altron: Or, if the 5-10 guy calls out, they know that I'll come in so that she gets a chance to go home, and I end up working 7 days a week.
[Today 11:19pm] Altron: When the girl I dig is working 9-5, and the 5-10 guy calls out, they know that she is too dedicated to ignore her responsibilities, and she will cover the double shift.
[Today 11:19pm] Altron: We care, and that gets us taken advantage of.
[Today 11:18pm] Altron: The other three bozos don't. One doesn't really like his job, one hardly works, and one makes it look like she's working.
[Today 11:17pm] Altron: And it's just sad, because we both give a shit.
[Today 11:17pm] Altron: And they see me working 30 hours a week while going to school, and think that I'm neglecting homework, or overworking myself, or both.
[Today 11:16pm] Altron: I was never that diligent in the pursuit of homework
[Today 11:16pm] Altron: My parents are super pissed off at me.
[Today 11:16pm] Altron: And it SUCKS.
[Today 11:15pm] Altron: I'm going to sit down with management and tell them this.
[Today 11:15pm] Altron: Three days in a row, she worked 9-5, and I worked 5-10. Next day, she worked 10-10. Day after, her 9-5 and my 5-10. Day after, my 9-5 and someone else's 5-10
[Today 11:14pm] Altron: It's depressing, the store has been opened for approx. five hours in the past week during which neither the awesome girl nor I was on the clock.
[Today 11:13pm] Altron: Then there's me. I work mostly weekends because they know that I bust my balls under pressure, so they put me in the very long weekend shifts without any reliable coworkers to help me.
[Today 11:12pm] Altron: Except, for her, covering means working 12 hours without a break by yourself.
[Today 11:12pm] Altron: Then there's the totally awesome girl, who is our only 9-5 person, who busts her lack of balls constantly, and covers for the other three bozos as often as I do.
[Today 11:11pm] Altron: We have another person who I have mixed feelings about. She's friendly, but she really doesn't work that hard, and calls out quite a bit. It gets annoying, because she won't completely disregard her job like the dude who works 3 nights a week, but she's constantly on the phone on personal calls, and has her friends come in and talks to them for hours.
[Today 11:10pm] Altron: We have another who whines often, and calls out just as often. Rumor on the street is that they're gonna fire him.
[Today 11:09pm] Altron: We have one person who admittedly doesn't do shit, and who works only weeknights, and only like 3 a week.
[Today 11:03pm] Altron: And it's like, if we don't say anything, they're not gonna hire, they're gonna keep burnin' us out and takin' us for granted.
[Today 11:02pm] Altron: I've come in early, or on my sparse days off, or completely busted my balls for hours at a time trying to do three people's work by myself just as many times.
[Today 11:01pm] Altron: I've seen her stay late to cover for people who are late or called out three times in the past WEEK.
[Today 11:01pm] Altron: There's the girl that I like. I have -never- seen her call out, and the only time she was late, it was because of car trouble.
[Today 11:00pm] Altron: Because at any given time, 40% of the department is on the clock.
[Today 10:59pm] Altron: It is -impossible- to take a day off without having a horrible impact on everyone else.
[Today 10:59pm] Altron: We have five people. Only one can work weekdays. Only three can work weekends. Only four can work weeknights.
[Today 10:59pm] Altron: And I feel like management is taking us for granted.
[Today 10:58pm] Altron: On a day to day basis, she and I go above and beyond to keep the department operational.
[Today 10:58pm] Altron: it's fuckin' bullshit.
[Today 10:57pm] Altron: then the girl I like had to work a 12 hour solo shift thursday
[Today 10:57pm] Altron: And a different girl, who I also am friends with, had to work a 12 hour WEEKEND shift solo.
[Today 10:56pm] Altron: The girl I like had to work a 12 hour shift by herself


Well-Known Member
It's a shoutbox log. I'm copying it so that I don't break 500 shouts tonight, and for posterity.


Well-Known Member
I just get really carried away when there's no one to stop me.

I just feel like there are people who only care about themselves, and people who care about everybody, and the former are taking advantage of the latter.

It's like, most of the people have as many or more hours than they want. By calling out, you're making everyone else bust their balls to pick up the slack, almost always involving somebody pulling a double shift or coming in on their day off. Yet, every day, somebody calls out from either merch, customer service, or warehouse. And every day, merch has no staffing at all, because people are needed to fill in.


New Member
I never heard anyone say "calling out". It's always been "calling off".

Is that a Circuit City thing or an east coast thing?

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Never heard of it till now... it's "calling in sick" over here.

Personally I don't know why you put up with that shit. As long as you do it won't change.


Staff member
#1 - Few people care about how they're viewed in a part time job because it's a means to an end...those jobs are usually pretty disposable. Those other people are not gonna change because they're probably just working for some pocket money and don't give a flying fuck, and aslong as someone will cover for them management is not likely to fire them...unless management starts ending up with shifts not covered due to people not showing up they're not gonna do anything about it.

#2 - Regarding your distaste for many customers...some customers might not be so rude if they weren't treated like idiots. I went into Best Buy yesterday and asked about compact flash cards, I know that some cameras can only read up to a certain size cause my AUnt once bought a 1gb card and her camera couldn't read it and when she went back the guy checked and told her the biggest hers could reconize was 512mb (my digi cam is like 4 years old) but my work is paying for me to get a uber big card cause I have to take a lot of pictures for work and sometimes if I'm out for a whole day I'll end up with hundreds of pics and currently I only have 32mb. Anyway, I went into Best Buy, told the guy my concern over not wanting to buy a card my camera couldn't read and asked him if he had anyway of looking up the biggest card I would beable to use. He looked at me and said "Well, I don't know the make or model of your camera so no" to which I replied "Yeah, *I* know THAT information, I MEANT do you have any way to look it up AFTER I tell you what my camera is" he then told me no and I left. But, he treated me like an idiot, like I was expecting him to magically know what my camera is. I was smart enough to know that not all cameras are gonna beable to read a 2gb card, I was smart enough to know that because my camera is 4 years old (I told him how old it is) it might not beable to read a 2gb card...yet he still assumed I didn't know what model camera I owned. I'm usually a very pleasant person but when I get treated like an idiot I get bitchy. Just keep that in mind Altron, customers may just walk up to you and be difficult but try to observe and see if maybe a co-worker has just finished treating them like they're complete idiots and that may explain some of the bastard customers.


Well-Known Member
"Calling out" is a rather common term. Never heard "Calling off" before. We also have the "no call no show" where someone doesn't call out, but doesn't show up.

I sat down with one of the managers (he's actually a trainee that's been in training like forever, but I like to talk to him, he's a nice guy, he's not that stuck up that he has better things to do than talk to you, and he spends a lot of time helpin' out in my department, so he knows where I'm coming from) for like 20 minutes and laid it out for him. There are five people busting their balls to do the work of ten. Our department seriously had over 15 employees in the spring. A month ago, we had 10. Now, we've got 5. There are just as many, if not more customers.

I'm just trying to let management know that it ain't easy. We're completely fucked over in terms of staffing, but our sales are awesome. Apparantly, we're getting bonus stuff from the movie and music companies because we're selling so much. We're completely kickin' ass and takin' names.

What I was trying to get across was that we are REALLY busting our balls to do it, and that it is not a permanent solution. We got hit hard with 5 of our 10 people quitting in mid August, but come on, hire some fucking replacements already. Every weekend, I'm pulling near 20 hours between Saturday and Sunday.

I explained that we're being pushed really hard, and that it's gotta change.

I get a saturday or sunday off once every six fucking weeks. September 16th and 17th, I was off. August 5th and 6th, I was off. June 24th and 25th, I was off.
Tomarrow, I call, and see what the schedule is. I'm going to tell them that I can only work until 5 PM on saturday and sunday.

My parents are unhappy with me, because they think that I'm overworking myself (20-25 hours doesn't sound like a lot until you realize that I spend 7 hours a day, five days a week at school), and I'm rather torn, because I want to say "It's my day off. If the department doesn't get covered, not my problem. Maybe you need to get some more staff." but I know that the girl I dig will be like "Well, I can work 12 hours with no break, that's fine." so I have to say "Well, it's my day off, but I'll come in anyway, let her go home." then she has to say "Well, it's your day off, you don't have to come in, it's not that much trouble." and it usually ends with one person making up some excuse as to why they need extra hours, while the other person reluctantly allows the other to inconvenicnce themselves.

I'm going to have a talk with her and let her know that if we keep going way above and beyond to cover, they're gonna take it for granted, and make me bust my balls and her bust her lack thereof on a daily basis. If we both say "no", then they're gonna need to do something about it.

Oh, and I got a warm and toasty feeling inside. There was this nice lady that came in with computer questions, and I spent like 20 minutes explaining how to do windows printer sharing. She was so happy that she said she was gonna write a letter to my boss telling him how helpful I was. Then I was helping her out with a printer, and her son was talking about photoshop elements, and I suggested that he find out if his school has a photoshop class, and then I found out that he is a freshman at my school, taking photoshop with the same teacher I had. Then the lady was really impressed, because she apparantly thought that I was a college grad, not a senior in the same school her son attends. Tomarrow, I'm going to see if I can find the son in that class, and check in to see how they made out with the printer. On her way out, she told me about how bbuy told her that she needed a wi-fi printer, and that she was never going to shop there again. :D


Well-Known Member
So, I call up, because there was this thing I'm supposed to do next sunday, which I wasn't going to, until my dad asked me yesterday night. So, today, I call work, talk to the scheduling, and ask if I can go home at 6:30 instead of 8:00 on Sunday.

And she gives me a fuckin' attitude. I ask nicely if she can change it, because it's still a week ahead, and she just put up the schedule this afternoon, so nobody has gotten a chance to look at it. Even if I go home early, it's still a 12 hour shift.

I'm gonna call the girl I dig soon, and see if she can take a look at the schedule for me. Make sure that they didn't fuck it up too badly.

It's tough, we have three people to work friday night, saturday, and sunday. One of them doesn't work on Fridays, and one requested off for Friday and Saturday. All three of us are cheduled for 13-14 hour shifts on Sunday. I requested Saturday night off for a birthday party for my friend, so hopefully I'll be 5-10 friday, 10-5 saturday, and 7-6:30 sunday. The person who requested off should be 7-8:30 on sunday, and the person who doesn't work friday should be 2:00-10:00 on saturday and 7:00-8:30 on sunday.


Well-Known Member
I'm extremely displeased with my place of employment.

I call to check the damn schedule. As usual, working ONLY friday, saturday, and sunday. Throw me a fucking bone, give me some weeknight shifts, you bitch.

Friday, I am closing with the dude who refuses to work friday. That's gonna be fun. I've already called him and left him a message, telling him that he's working on friday, and that I won't hold anything against him if he doesn't show up. It's a well documented fact that he does not work friday nights. He has in emergencies, but prefers not to. Just as long as the girl I like doesn't get conned into covering for him, I don't give a shit whether or not he shows up. He has a habit of whining about work, and I am really not in the mood to spend five hours listening to him complain. I can handle the department fine by myself. I won't help all the customers. That's management's problem, not mine. If they can't put enough people on the floor without making people work double shifts and come in on their days off, maybe they should hire some more people.

Saturday, the guy who doesn't work friday and the girl who requested off aren't working. It's going to be me and the girl I like, all day. She's 10-8 and I'm 2-10. In all likelihood, we will both work 10-10, because that's the only way we'll be able to handle it.

I had requested off two fucking weeks ago for Saturday night, for a friend's surprise birthday party. I very clearly stated that I was perfectly willing to work my usual 10-5 saturday shift, the shift that I've been working the past few weeks, just not after 5. And what does she do? Schedule me to close.

Then, Sunday, we've got another fucking 7 AM meeting. That means me and the two people who won't work friday and saturday are gonna be working even more hours than usual, and the girl I dig is gonna have to get up really early and come in, which means she'll have 12 consecutive days without a day off (since she works every M-F, and she'll be there next saturday and sunday).

As far as I know, all five of us will be at the meeting, at which point, we can lay it on the table and tell them to get some new people in.

There's also a rumor that the guy who doesn't work fridays is getting fired (he constantly complains and calls out like once a week), which would cut the weekend crew down to 2.

The only reason I'm not driving in there tomarrow and yelling at the manager is that I knew the girl who requested off was requesting off, and she told me like a month ago. I will miss out on a friend's party, but I can always hang out another time.

I'm going to talk to the managers this weekend, and address it at the meeting. Hopefully they see where I'm coming from, and don't give me any excuses. I might have to bust out my angry face.


Well-Known Member
So, I call, and bitch at another manager, who manages to say "no" but calm me down. Apparantly we're getting a new person in on October 9th, and she's from the manager's old store, and she knows what she's doing.

Not sure how it's gonna go over... we've never had a transfer into the department, hopefully she doesn't clash at all.

I need to con someone else into covering for me, then I'm ok. If I can't, then I have to miss the party. :(

I called the no-fridays guy, but he ALWAYS does saturdays, and if they pulled the girl I like to cover saturday, he must have requested off.

The worst part is my parents. They're unhappy with my hours, they think I'm neglecting school work. Even when I get all that school work done, they think that I'm overworking myself.


New Member



Well-Known Member

I managed to swap my 2-10 for her 10-8, which then was changed to a 10-6, so I got to go to my party, and she got an extra four hours to sleep in.

We talk to the fucker who doesn't work fridays, and he never requested off on Saturday.

Meaning - Without even ASKING, they conned my girl into a 10 hour shift on her day off. She does NOT work weekends. Why the fuck would they schedule her on a saturday, but give that shiteating son of a bitch the day off?

But Monday was a jewish holiday, so I was off school, so I covered her Monday shift so that she could still have a two day weekend. It woulda been tough, because they scheduled her from 10-4, but she would have to end up staying until at least 8, probably 10 to finish the stuff that needs to be done (prepping for New Release Tuesday).

Then, yesterday, Roadshop was installing my speakers, and I was hanging out with my girl, and I got conned into wokring an hour and a half to cover for someone.

She was 10-6, and the girl who always is on the phone was 6-10. The other girl was late, so they were gonna have my girl stay, and I was like "no way, get out of here" because she had plans for tonight.

Then the 6:30-10 CSA called out..


Well-Known Member
So this cocksucker sends me a text message at around 2:30, asking if I was working.

I left him a voicemail telling him that I wasn't, then I called up the girl I like at work and gave her some heads up, that he would probably call out.

Right now there are two people working, both leaving at six. One is the girl I like, and she has told me that if that son of a bitch calls out again, she will refuse to stay, unless he is immediately fired. She's also going to tell the other girl that she should only cover for him if she really wants to, and not because he wants her to. He's the kinda fucker that takes advantage of people like that. He'll keep asking for help, never doing anything in return, and tries to make you feel guilty for not covering.
One of our people doesn't work on Thursdays, which leaves me, the girl who always talks on the phone, and the guy who's gonna call out.
The way the scheduling is, I think that the girl is already working tonight, which means that I'm his only option.

I'm going to flat out refuse to cover for that motherfucker.

So many times, I've busted my balls to help him out, and he hardly does anything in return.

One time, he was scheduled 5-10 friday, and I was 10-5. He conned me into double shifting to cover for him, because he had some really important thing to go to.
The next friday, he was off, and I was 5-10. I wanted to go to the beach, so I asked him to cover, and he refused. Then he told me that the reason he asked me to cover was because he doesn't like working on fridays, and he won't cover for me on fridays, ever, even if he's off and has no plans.

I hope that he calls out tonight, and I hope that they fire him.


Well-Known Member
The next friday, he was off, and I was 5-10. I wanted to go to the beach, so I asked him to cover, and he refused. Then he told me that the reason he asked me to cover was because he doesn't like working on fridays, and he won't cover for me on fridays, ever, even if he's off and has no plans.

See right there. That's the point where that guy would develop a severe alergy to lumber. Or maybe a phobia. Either/or, I guarantee he'd shit his pants next time he passed a lumber yard.


Well-Known Member
I'm not that confrontational.

The motherfucker also conned me into giving him a ride home. He's so fucking manupilative.

He wanted me to drive him, so I was like "I guess so". Then he wanted me to drive him to the convenience store. I'm like "I really don't know" and he's like "Plllllease? I'll buy you an ice tea."
So I agree. Not because of the ice tea. I could care less about a buck fifty or whatever it is.

So, we get there, we're in the checkout, and he's like "Sorry dude, I can't cover it, I don't have any money."

Son of a bitch lied to me. I can buy my own ice tea. I don't care about the money. He deliberately told me that he would do something which he knew that he couldn't.

That cocksucker isn't getting rides home from me any more. He's not borrowing money from me any more. I'm not giving him my food any more. I'm not covering his shifts any more.


Well-Known Member
I'm not that confrontational.

The motherfucker also conned me into giving him a ride home. He's so fucking manupilative.

He wanted me to drive him, so I was like "I guess so". Then he wanted me to drive him to the convenience store. I'm like "I really don't know" and he's like "Plllllease? I'll buy you an ice tea."
So I agree. Not because of the ice tea. I could care less about a buck fifty or whatever it is.

So, we get there, we're in the checkout, and he's like "Sorry dude, I can't cover it, I don't have any money."

And right there would be where he started walking back on his own.