Could be interesting...

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
Apparently there were a number of delays and postponements as is the norm for our speedy and impartial judicial system. :rolleyes:

Today's his first real day on the jury, but he suspects the trial won't start until tomorrow. He thinks they may wind up culling the jury some more today, since they may have selected more jurors than they need. Then there will prolly be a period where the final group of jurors will be told their duties and responsibilities, as well as the importance of keeping their mouths shut. :D

And shit... I sure hope he isn't sequestered.... :(
On the other hand, it may be healthier for my phone bill if he is. ;)


Staff member
I suggested he just make it easy and sleep in today...but he didn't seem to go for it :shrug:



Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I believe murder is involved, but he can't get into any details.

Sleeping in and showing up in your pj's would probably settle it quickly.

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
I think he said it was a murder trial, but that was a long time ago and I may be mistaken. Haven't asked him lately, and I'm sure that he can't say anything about it at this point until it's all over.


New Member
ok... I won't prod anymore. I know that when its something small time, they don't care if you talk about it. But the big league stuff is another matter.

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
I think it's standard practice to select more than you need in case there are jurors who may no longer be able to participate due to health or personal issues. Once the trial begins, however, there are only twelve.


New Member
paul_valaru said:
what is wrong with having jury duty, i realize it's a pain, but you sit listen decide go home

I'm with you. I've never been called but I would love to be. I don't understand why it's seen as such a horrible thing, why no one would want to be involved. Sure it might be an inconvenience but look at what you get to do. Shit, instead of complaining about the mockery of courts, you have a chance to do something about it.


Staff member
this is a little's not just a car theft case or summat, this is the death penalty phase...the person has been found guilty and now Joe is sitting with someone's life in his hands...not a good place I imagine :eh:


New Member
Shit, that's a really tough one. I'd not want to be in that position, I'm just one of those people who'd forever wonder if the decision we made was the right one.


:blank: tonks..the beans didn't work. They just thought it was funny that the guy in the gorilla costume kept farting...:mope: Looks like I'm firmly entrenched now. Both sides went through their challenges and i think I'm the only one they didn't replace....I figure I either look honest or gullible..:shrug:


New Member
You should have just whipped out Ted Nugents latest book and started reading it in the stands. : Justice: Regular or Extra Crispy?


:rofl4: One guy brought today's paper with him and read it while we were waiting...Apparently, there was an article about the jury selection taking place today and it gave a brief background of the case..He never returned from his conference with the judge....


Well-Known Member
There are a few reasons people might not want to be on a jury. For one, hourly workers have to take that time off and therefore don't get paid for the hours they weren't at work. Jury Duty around here pays something like $5 a day, and only after two or three days does it start. Minimum Wage is $6.75 in California. You're looking at a potential loss of hundreds of dollars, which can mean bills don't get paid. You can ask to be let out because it would cause undue financial hardship, but you're not guaranteed to have your request granted.

I got called once, but my color group wasn't needed so my jury service was fulfilled for the year.

They select more than 12 jurors just in case someone falls ill or otherwise becomes unfit to serve on the jury. I'd guess that if the regular jurors had to be sequestered, so would the backups.


Fifteen were seated as of our last visit to the courthouse. The entire pool (60 people) had to return for the challenges. By the time it was over, only about a dozen were dismissed without ever having had a seat on the jury. The rest were replaced by challenges one after one and dismissed. When the smoke cleared, I was still sitting there...In the jury..:(

There are 15 of us. 12 will be the jury and the other 3 alternates. I think thats done by a draw...:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Squiggy said:
While giving my address, I tried the turretts approach and in mid-sentence yelled "COCKSUCKER!....Some guy in a shiny green suit stood up and replied "Here sir!"....:eek5:

I should mention that it's spelled Tourette's, and we don't all do that. I'm in the lucky two-thirds that doesn't.