Gonz, SnP, and others who don't like what we're becoming...


molṑn labé
Staff member
I can garden & have been know to grain feed a cow to my dinner table a time or three. Sweat equity means self reliance.


New Member
An island usually means heavy salt content in the air and the soil. It would make some forms of crops rather hard to establish. Also, I'm sure that were talking something fairly tropical, so some crops will not grow at all as they need the distinct cold/hot growth triggers.


Southern Discomfort
I'm leaning more toward the sweat equity factor as well. If we're just gonna replicate what we're bitching about in the first place, there's no point in establishing Utopia Island in the first place. I don't oppose the initial importation of basic raw materials that would be either necessary to establish the place, or to make it more successful (hoes, gardening implements, seed, etc). But after that...nuh uh. We might get sick of mangos, but at least we'll be sick of mangos AND free from the Jerry Springer Show at the same time. A tradeoff I'll make any day.


Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:
An island usually means heavy salt content in the air and the soil. It would make some forms of crops rather hard to establish. Also, I'm sure that were talking something fairly tropical, so some crops will not grow at all as they need the distinct cold/hot growth triggers.
I own some rudimentary pH and soil testing devices that would help in this regard. From what I've read, only certain plants can prosper in predominantly salty, alkaline soils. Unless we can isolate a patch of soil that we can flush free of its extra saline content, we're better off sticking with plants native to the island. Unfortunately, that probably won't include jalapenos and corn.


Southern Discomfort
abooja said:
I own some rudimentary pH and soil testing devices that would help in this regard. From what I've read, only certain plants can prosper in predominantly salty, alkaline soils. Unless we can isolate a patch of soil that we can flush free of its extra saline content, we're better off sticking with plants native to the island. Unfortunately, that probably won't include jalapenos and corn.

"Hello...Home Depot? We need to arrange for the delivery of a few thousand tons of topsoil....yes ma'am...yes, we have an AARP discount....yes....airlift will be fine....Tuesday after 3? That'll be great....We'll be paying by credit card....Yes ma'am....The name? Gato Solo....S-O-L-O....correct....while we're at it, can you offer us a discount on about 50 tomato plants in bulk?....Maybe some potatoes too, ya never know....No, that'll be all for today...thank you and happy new year to you too, ma'am...buh-bye."


Well-Known Member
I like the idea too, but these people seem to think it's not feasible:
In arid regions of the United States, such as the Southwest, which is noted for salty alkaline soils, gardening is far easier if plant choices are limited to natives. It's usually too difficult to correct and maintain large areas of saline soils because of the amount of water required to leach salts from the soil. Plants not constituted to tolerate salt can be grown in raised beds or containers with prepared or commercial soil mixes.
Of course, if Gato is footing the bill, what the heck do I care? :lol2:


New Member
We will also fall within someones national borders. That will mean that there will be property taxes and the odd intrusive government inspector/spy/cop getting up in our business. We might be better off acquiring a large decomissoned vessel and making hydroponic gardens and keeping well out in international waters.


Well-Known Member
I suppose we can grow lots of interesting thing hydroponically, though I doubt there would be any issues of legality just growing it right there in the ground in the middle of nowhere like that. And if we're in international waters, doesn't this mean a modest gambling casino wouldn't be out of the question? Not for us simple-minded folk, of course, but to generate income once every quarter or so. We can get paid in sandwiches.


New Member
well...south louisiana is pretty much loamy and boggy and i grew veggies and fruits, as well as flowers quite well. we just may have to adapt to a different kind of crop. figs grow quite well in the muck.


Well-Known Member
Been thinking...Any doctors, nurses or pharmacists in our midst? We'll want to get one of them on board, at least. Unless this is truly going to be survival of the fittest.

Too bad we can't film this. I wonder who here writes the first tell-all. :lloyd:


New Member
i am first aid qualified as far as the navy is concerned. i was CPR qualified but i've forgotten the ratios. i know how to deal with a sucking chest wound with only some tape and the plastic from a pack of cigarettes. and i'm the mother of 3 children. does that count?


Well-Known Member
This is all excellent news. Yes, the leeches. The childbearing. I'm glad you all spent your lives learning something more useful than I did. :drink:


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
abooja said:
Mandatory vasectomies, eh? I've been asleep a while. Well, that'll take care of pregnancies, but what about other women's...issues? Hope we're not using leaves for that too. :sick2:

This may sound harsh, but women have had those 'issues' since time began. Those modern 'conveniences' you can get at the local store were only invented in the 1940's. They weren't even wide-spread until the mid to late 1950's. You'll have to do what women did until that time...go 'on the rag'. Besides...as long as you don't wash your nether regions in the water supply, and stay away from sharks, there shouldn't be a problem...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Once again, I have underestimated the sheer dogged determination of people and their 'stuff'. Modern conveniences are nice, but that's all they are...conveniences. If we don't actually need it, why bother with it? We're not Golgafrinchans, right?

BTW...abooja? I'll meet you in the coconut groves anytime you want...:grinyes: