New film raises fears of Muslim outrage

According to the Bible I use (king james ver) I've never read that.

I've just begun to read The New International Version... I'm reading Acts atm... up to Chapter 11. I wanted to know more about the early church and how it grew... where better to start than the bible itself?
well if you look back at the old testiment....
Take into account the situation Moses was in, when he handed out the Ten
Commandments, and you can see the correlation, but it Really was more
localized for them, because they didn't make many friends on the way to
the promised land.
So in the early context it was meant as a uniting thing to hold his followers
together, and still is in part, but like the constitution Jesus amended to it
to show how it applied the the current time still, and give the answer to
a more diverse people at that time, and that is still the way I view it today.

It would be nice if everyone were neighbors, that just isn't the case, and never
has it been 'everybody'.
Just like there will probably never be World peace. at least not for long.

At least that's been my interpretation of it.
But just because it's not likely, does that mean we have to stop trying to follow Christ's example?
I'm just saying, if he meant "love everybody" he'd have said everybody,
not just your neighbors.
That Is his example.:shrug:
Aren't Bush and the rest of the warmongers Christians?

... shame, they give the rest of us a bad name... I seem to remember Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves... I don't think killing them qualifies.

It all comes down to context. In what context was that passage written, and to whom was it addressed?

Aunty said:
It seems to me that regardless of the religion, only the fanatics get heard, while the peaceful majority cringe in embarrassment and fear.

Which is why it is up to the 'peaceful majority' to police their religion. In most instances of Christian fanatics, there are people who speak out against the fanaticism. Unfortunately, it comes at a cost. A cost most people aren't willing to pay alone.
SnP said:
Sorry to have abandoned y'all for a while. I had to go to a neighboring county and put a convicted child molestor back in prison where he belongs.

It looks to me likes its a sad day in Tennessee. If you had to redeposit the animal, then there was a crime. Hopefully not the same as his conviction.

Aunty Em said:
Aren't Bush and the rest of the warmongers Christians?
Warmongers!!! Hell yea.
Aren't Bush and the rest of the warmongers Christians?

... shame, they give the rest of us a bad name... I seem to remember Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves... I don't think killing them qualifies.

It seems to me that regardless of the religion, only the fanatics get heard, while the peaceful majority cringe in embarrassment and fear.

Jesus also said:

Luke 22:35-38

[35] Then Jesus asked them, "When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?"

"Nothing," they answered.

[36] He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. [37] It is written: 'And he was numbered with the transgressors'; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment."

[38] The disciples said, "See, Lord, here are two swords."

"That is enough," he replied.

There is a discussion on these passages HERE
Aren't Bush and the rest of the warmongers Christians?

... shame, they give the rest of us a bad name... I seem to remember Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves... I don't think killing them qualifies.

It seems to me that regardless of the religion, only the fanatics get heard, while the peaceful majority cringe in embarrassment and fear.

Two ways to answer this.

1. Have you read the Old Testament? God commanded His people to slay every inhabitant of Jericho save one woman (a harlot) and her family. It's not the only time He commanded His people to kill their enemies.

Jesus came to bring, for lack of better phraseology in my current sleep-deprived state, a "new word". It does preach more tolerence. It does not, however, state that other gods are to be worshipped. It does not state that Christians are to forever be docile little lambs (and yes I know all about turn the other cheek). Jesus Himself ran the merchants from the temple. I doubt they all got out without a few knocks and bruises along the way, and I shudder to think what may have transpired had one of them confronted Him head on, box cutter or no.

2. I will have to assume no one has gotten to Revelations yet. The fate of the non-believer described there makes brunch in Baghdad look like a piece of cake...and it will be. Jesus came to save all who would believe His word. He did not come to write carte blanche for every person ever born. He wasn't some flower child hippie from Haight-Ashbury. As capable as He was of love, moreso than is within our ability to grasp, He could also show a vengeful streak when one was called for. Modern theologists prefer to edit things out of the Bible, usually in an effort to build their congregation/income. You ain't likely to hear a good hellfire brimstone sermon at one of these places people call "mega-churches"...that ain't what the congregation pays to hear. Their loss. Every syllable of every word in every verse of the Bible is true. Any person, place, or ideaology that tries to "pretty it up" either by using some feel-good modern translation or by just ignoring the "unpleasant" parts is not a Bible preaching church and as such is misleading its congregation.

My criteria for joining a church are few. Above all others, it MUST use the KJV and no other. It better devote more time to preaching than singing, puppet shows, and other fluff combined. It'll most likely have the word Baptist on the door, but not the words "primitive" or "freewill" as those denominations preach things I don't find in the Bible and preach them as cornerstones of the faith. And lastly, my only personal will have a congregation under 100 when I first join.
Well, the church I've begun attending, St Luke's, is Anglican and has no physical church of it's own, we meet in a community centre...the church is the people in it. We have Outreach projects in the community and Cell groups for us to meet together in each others homes, pray together and study the bible (NIV).

It's 30 years since I seriously studied the bible and that as KJV, so I won't challenge you on what it says since my memory isn't that good. Looking back, I can see that I lost my faith in people, not God and I can also see where his hand has been at work in my life... but I'm not prepared to argue about it with non-believers at this time. Just to say that I feel like the prodigal who has returned home where she belongs.

I shall be attending the Alpha course after New Year to refresh my knowledge and hopefully find answers to some of my questions. It's important to know what you stand for.
Well, the church I've begun attending, St Luke's, is Anglican and has no physical church of it's own, we meet in a community centre...the church is the people in it.

true enough. Denominational differences are usually differences in interpretation and/or taste. Taste doesn't bother me; interpretation can depending on what is being interpreted differently.

I was a member of a church that burned down. We met for almost two years in a high school auditorium, and in that time the church emmbership actually grew. Proof aplenty that it ain't the building that matters.

It's 30 years since I seriously studied the bible and that as KJV, so I won't challenge you on what it says since my memory isn't that good. Looking back, I can see that I lost my faith in people, not God and I can also see where his hand has been at work in my life... but I'm not prepared to argue about it with non-believers at this time. Just to say that I feel like the prodigal who has returned home where she belongs.

That is fantastic.

I shall be attending the Alpha course after New Year to refresh my knowledge and hopefully find answers to some of my questions. It's important to know what you stand for.

One of the most important things a person can know about themselves...what you stand for and why. Best of luck with your journey.
Thank you. I have a long way to go, but I know that the Lord is with me and will help me on that journey.:)
More evidence of the Muslim lovefest.

And Britain wonders how they manage to have home-grown terrorists?

British children targeted with terror sing-along DVD for would-be suicide bombers
By CHRIS BROOKE - More by this author »

Last updated at 23:02pm on 18th December 2007

A shocking sing-along children's DVD which glorifies suicide bombing is being investigated by anti-terrorist police after being found on sale in one of Britain's terrorist hotbeds.

The disc - part of an Egyptian-made series - is on sale in West Yorkshire, where three of the July 7 bombers lived, and is aimed at youngsters from the local Muslim community.

Introduced by a cute cartoon chicken, it contains three songs in Arabic which are illustrated with a video story. But any impression of its being an innocent music DVD is immediately dispelled by a song with English subtitles about two children who lose their mother when she blows herself up in a suicide bomb attack.

Appealing to children: The cartoon image appears at the beginning of the DVD

The song, sung as if told by the bomber's daughter, ends with the young Arabic girl vowing to follow in her mother's footsteps.

It is believed to have been inspired by Palestinian Reem-al-Reyashi, a 22-year-old mother of two who killed four Israelis when she blew herself up at a Gaza Strip checkpoint on January 14, 2004.

In the DVD an Arab woman is seen playing with her two children. She then makes a bomb out of sticks of dynamite in the bedroom as her young daughter enters. The woman leaves home with dynamite tucked into her dress and blows herself up after being challenged by soldiers leaving her children and husband to learn of her death on TV.


Seemingly innocent: But the film develops an alarming theme

To the sounds of haunting music there are graveyard scenes, along with pictures of the dead bomber looking serene and dressed in white.

Her daughter finds a stick of dynamite in her mother's wardrobe. The girl, aged about five or six, turns to the camera with the subtitles: "My love will not be by words. I will follow my mother's steps."


The second song, entitled Tear, has a catchy chorus of children chanting a song set to images of women and children crying and flames from explosions.

Over scenes of men fighting and throwing grenades, a young Arab girl sings: "Daddy return to us, We want you beside us, Fear occupied our hearts, And there is no one with us, Oh Allah! You are our Saviour..."


In the third song, Flowers, a group of orphaned children chant a five-minute tribute to Islam and sing about the plight of the Palestinian people.

A copy of the DVD was bought in Bradford. It has been passed to counter-terrorism police who said they were investigating to see if any offences had been committed.

The DVD box lists the distributor as the Abrar Book Shop in Hyde Park, Leeds. The shop – less than half a mile from the flat where the 7/7 bombers assembled their explosives – was shut yesterday.


Disturbing: A child holds a stick of dynamite in the sing-along DVD for would-be suicide bombers

Philip Davies, Tory MP for Shipley, who was given the DVD by a local resident, said: "My worry is how many people have had access to this kind of material and how many children may have already been influenced by it.

"It's outrageous that this kind of material is so readily available in parts of West Yorkshire and it beggars belief that somebody is prepared to proudly proclaim that they distribute this material.

The MP contacted police and was told that the disc had been sold at a mosque in the city. "I thought it was sick and totally and utterly unacceptable," he said. "It seems to be directed at children and I find it quite disturbing."

He added: "It strikes me as being incitement to terrorism. I hope that the people that distribute the material will be arrested and charged."

Mr Davies said he would be writing to the Home Secretary asking what support the Government was giving to the police to locate and eliminate this kind of material.

The head of West Yorkshire's counter terrorism unit, Detective Chief Superintendent John Parkinson, said: "The DVD has been initially reviewed and officers are carrying out further inquiries regarding its content to establish whether or not any offences have been committed."

Yorkshire Muslim peer and shadow communities secretary Sayeeda Warsi said the authorities should not be afraid to come down with the full force of the law on extremists.

"I find it deeply disturbing if this kind of material is available and aimed at children so young," she said.

"As well as winning over the hearts and minds of our own communities in order to deal with perverted terrorist organisations, we should always stamp down on anything that is nothing short of criminal, using the full force of the law."
According to this Britain should have no shortage of home-grown terrorists for the future.'+name+in+Britain/

Mohammed now second most popular boys' name in Britain
Last updated at 19:22pm on 19.12.07

Briatin's rising immigrant population has bumped the Muslim name Mohammed into second place in the latest list of most popular boys' names.

For the last 13 years it has reigned supreme as the most popular boy's name in the land.

But in multicultural Britain, children named after the Muslim prophet Mohammed could soon be outnumbering the long-time favourite Jack.

In a reflection of the increasing influence of Islam on UK society, figures released by the Office of National Statistics yesterday showed that the most popular spelling of the name - Mohammed - had climbed five places to 17th in the annual list of most popular baby names.

But when the seven other spellings of the name are taken into account, the total amounted to 6,347 babies, making it the second-most popular name of the year - up from 5,936 last year.

Although Jack topped the list with 6,772 babies, that figure fell 156 on last year, meaning that if the trends were repeated next year, Mohammed and its variant spellings would be the most popular choice in England and Wales.

The last national census in 2001 put the UK Muslim population at 1.6million, but this will have grown substantially in the past five years.

The figures also reveal that while Jack held on to the top spot for the boys, Grace was the most popular name given to girls, beating last year's top girls' name, Olivia, into third place.

They were separated by Ruby at number two, which is believed to have been given a boost by singer Charlotte Church, who picked the name for her daughter who was born in September.

The rest of the top five was made up by Emily, which rose one place to number four and Jessica, last year's runner-up.

The boy's top five looks almost the same as last year, with Thomas still the second most popular name. Oliver climbed one place to number three - swapping positions with Joshua - while Harry remained the fifth favourite choice. The power of celebrity was also reflected in the top 50, with Jayden the highest new entry for the boys at 32, up from 68 last year, while Ava moved up 23 places in the girls' rankings to 41.

Jayden's rise could be attributed to Jaden(corr) Smith, son of movie star Will Smith. The child made his film debut opposite his father in last year's The Pursuit of Happyness.

Ava's surge in popularity is believed to be influenced by singer and model Myleen Klass, who named her daughter Ava in August. An ONS spokesman also said Leona almost trebled in popularity, with 238 babies given the name in 2007, following Leona Lewis winning last year's X Factor show.

As well as Ava, Summer also entered the girls' top 50 this year, rising 15 places to 44, replacing Anna and Paige, who dropped out of the list.

The boys' list saw Isaac and Finley both rise 13 places to 42 and 47 to join Jayden as new entries, as Bradley, Rhys and Kyle failed to make the cut.

The ONS spokesman said: "We measure each particular spelling of a name rather than a combined total for a number of different variations.

"Although we don't keep records to say for sure, I would imagine that this is the first time Mohammed and all it's different spellings have been as high as second on the list."

The official statistics tally with a similar survey on baby names published by Bounty, the parenting club, earlier this week.

That study also crowned Jack and Grace the top names, with Ruby the highest female climber to number two and Charlie coming runner up for the boys.
For those who do not believe that the radical Muslim influence is already on America's streets, here is a video of a demonstration in NYC.

Too bad I wasn't there or I would have gone to the local market, purchased several pounds of pork, and started chucking it their way.
Ronald Reagan said:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

For those who do not believe that the radical Muslim influence is already on America's streets, here is a video of a demonstration in NYC.

ZOMG!!!! A few people had a peaceful demonstration! WTF are we going to do!?!?!?!? :rolleyes:

I just saw a doumentary on the radical Evangelicals last weekend brainwashing children. Those bastards are scary and there's a lot of them.
I just saw a doumentary on the radical Evangelicals last weekend brainwashing children. Those bastards are scary and there's a lot of them.

radical islamists and radical evangelists carry the same virus, with minor variation in its surface manifestation.

it's amazing how often they agree on homos, the role of women, curtailing "heresy" AKA free speech, et cetera....

what a bunch of assholes.