SnP and AllEars' won't be around much for awhile

Oh! You were right...and it's been more than that. I just wanted to start out slow. I have since shipped to Germany, Australia, almost China but he backed out...lotsa Alaska and some Hawaii (yes, I know they are foreign).
Aunty Em said:
Ignore him, men are useless at matching anything in my experience... except car grease all over the place... :lol:



A man's man if ever there was one, and a fashion plate to boot.
Aunty Em said:

Which century was that... before or after The Reformation? :rofl:

That's a Canuckistani icon there. Better be careful, if you make them mad they'll sic their moose on you. :rofl:
You'd stand a better chance of winning.

And, dear aunty, kilts have never gone out of fashion. There's a reason every (good) rental place carries them with the tuxes. Because people wear them .... when they want to look their best, and a tux jsut isn't good enough.
There, now you see how easy it is to bait a scotsman... just slander their national dress. ;)

* Hugz Prof :hug:
I'm double jointed, there's a *pop* in the finger that goes for the "u" that causes just a slight hesitation. The 's' is under my ringfinger, which is pretty much the least effected of all my fingers, so the strike there is fractionally quicker than the others.
Kilts look...

Was a a few weddings with them, it is just impressive (well till the part where they get drunk and start to show everyone they are indeed regimental)
I would think in this weather there wouldn't be much to look at under a kilt anyway if the guy's following tradition... :lol:
But it is nice! You sit with your feet in a warm bubbly scented footbath while in a massaging chair and small little Vietnamese ladies sdo your nails and rub you with lotion. I had one yesterday. I have orange sparkly flower shaped comets on my big toes.
Comet, it makes your mouth turn green
Comet, it tastes like Vaseline
Comet, it makes you vomit
So buy some Comet, and vomit, today
S&P, AllEars,

how is it all coming together now? Are you all going to end up as well off (as far as the stead with the setup and all) as before do you think, now that things are settling down?

ooooops, this was Leslie posting - I shouldn't browse on Paul's login :eek: