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  1. O

    happy bop-day ...err... b-day

    Gods.....It can't have been a year alread :confused: Happy BoP Day! :swing:
  2. O

    Need Microsoft Access help...

    Access can be a bit of a bugger :eh: Prolly find out on one of the tutorials here -
  3. O

    What were you doing...

    sleeping :yawn:
  4. O


    Geezus dude, not annoyance.....frustration mebbe. Frustration that someone who's post i've always enjoyed may have been seriously ill and wasn't gettin' off his arse and doing anything about it. I know I can be a brash bugger....yer can blame over decade of me playing dad for that.....but...
  5. O


    I think the headache is affecting yer eyesight whinge ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hwnj, wnj) intr.v. Chiefly British whinged, whing·ing, whing·es To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner. Lemme ask yer this dude, if it were tonks or the kids who'd had...
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    death clock

    Sunday October 30 2039 Oh, that's ok then.......bugger all else to do on a sunday anyway ;)
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    What Age?

    17-24 :evilcool: Life has been pretty boring since then :eh:
  8. O

    Yum. This is delicious

    Whatever it is, it can't be any worse than what passes for "food" in Mcdonalds :retard: I'd eat it, hell I've been on wilderness survival courses and been a university student.......I've prolly eaten worse in me time :D
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    We're all gonna die.

    Return to my seat Assume the crash postition But my hand behind my head Put my head between my knees And kiss my balls "fucking goodbye" :retard:
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    Do you like Pina Coladas?

    Nope. sig-others arse, meet the pavement. (and once you've landed, move quickly cos yer belongs will be landing anytime soon). Oz's arse meet pavement.
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    You're the one whingeing about it :shrug: Either get it dealt with or deal....
  12. O

    What were you doing...

    Spamming on PiL
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    R.I.P. Eugene Jack Armstrong and Jack Hensley

    Yup, a special news bulletin here is saying that the poor bugger has been killed.....still not "officially confirmed" but there seems little doubt :eh:
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    I don't think this can be repeated too many times.... You really are being a bit of a daft bugger about this hobart :eh:
  15. O

    Give up

    Dunno.....can't even remember the source I read it from now :shrug: And gods know the internet has more than it's fair share of inaccurate info.... As for Chirac.......sheesh......he's living in some kinda dreamland, there is nothing wrong with having pride in your own...
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    Give up

    don't more people speak spanish as a first language in the US than english? or have I been reading bullshit statistics again? :retard:
  17. O

    Is it just me...

    :eek6: Inky...ya really need to find a more constructive hobby dude! :D
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    Official OTC Gross-Out Contest

    It had to be seen to be believed......especially when he'd pull the condom back and forward to "floss" the back of his throat and nostril :eh: kinda wish I'd taken a photo of it now....'cept I never carried a camera Oz Had "interesting" friends
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    Vice-presidential debate

    Ach....I can live with it.....I've had the same urge to boot tony blair when I first met him......and that was prolly over ten years ago :eh:
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    Nowt wrong with knitting......a friend of mine made me a huge jumper's multicoloured, I suspect the lass herself might be colour-blind.....baggy as hell, warm as toast and is fucking amazing! I love it :D I can sew on buttons/patches and stuff.......never had the urge to get...