Search results

  1. GrandCaravanSE

    2.3L Mitsubishi Diesel or Cummins 4BT?

    does anybody know where i can get a 2.3L Mitsubishi Diesel or a Cummins 4BT? My Motor just went out on my Ford Ranger, so i want to replace it with a Diesel Engine. any help would be great. the 2.3L Mitsubishi is the stock Engine that would come with the Ranger that year, and the Cummins 4BT is...
  2. GrandCaravanSE

    Best Bike Horn in the World!

    I just bought the best bike horn in the world! the Delta Airzound Bike Horn. it is a Airhorn for your frikin Bike. and it is refillable with a bike pump!!!!! i cannot wait to use it. heres a link. i cannot wait for it to arrive on...
  3. GrandCaravanSE

    Well... It's been a while!

    Anybody remeber me? so far in my life... I have not continued to do Graphic Arts. i have moved on to my true joy. being a car mechanic. and i love it :headbng2: i have also sadly have to sell the Caravan. after the tranny went, it cost more to fix it then what it was worth. i now have a sweet...
  4. GrandCaravanSE

    Modding MY Xbox 360...

    In the next few weeks i plan on modding my Xbox 360. these are the parts i am using. what do you think?
  5. GrandCaravanSE

    Hope this makes a funny. This one is even better: :lol2:
  6. GrandCaravanSE

    the Fast and the Furious...

    Saw it on saturday, though it was awsome, anybody else see it, what do you think?
  7. GrandCaravanSE

    Ghetto Car of the Day!

    Fell free to post your own.
  8. GrandCaravanSE

    Anybody Else...

    Does anybody else here do Demolition Derbys? if so what do you do, as in Truck, car, compact car?
  9. GrandCaravanSE

    Summer gas?

    WTF is the term Summer Gas, sound like a load of crap to me. It is just another way to raise the prices at the pump. I didn't even hear this term until a few years ago. I heard that it is to pollute less?, so it is better to pollute more in the winter?
  10. GrandCaravanSE

    the economy is stopping my fun!!!

    So i am finally ready to make my own demolition derby car. i got some money saved up, got some friends to help, and i search for a car. everywere i look i see a $150 car that does not run being sold at $500. i can't find any sponsers, no scrap metal, no help at all. and when i tell my friends...
  11. GrandCaravanSE

    Fixing the Van

    TORQUE CONVERTER plus a NEW case xcause the Flywheel that exploded put holes in it. I am also going to fix the Idler pully on it by myself.
  12. GrandCaravanSE

    My name is GrandCaravanSE and i am another post-whore

    sorry guys/gals but you have to be on more otherwise i am talking to my self. i am the only one on in the morning and in the early afternoon, all the posts say my name for last replyed.
  13. GrandCaravanSE


    :headbng2:Over 1000 posts in a little over two months, yea for me.
  14. GrandCaravanSE

    things that give you a headache.

    For me: Cars that don't work Computers that don't work. people that talk loud so you have to hear about there life.
  15. GrandCaravanSE

    Post Awards

    So, just for fun i think it would be nice to do some post awards on this fourm. you know, for things like most helpful, wisdom, most annoying, most spelling errors, longest running post this year, Etc... So what do you Guys/ Gals think about it?
  16. GrandCaravanSE

    Video of the Day
  17. GrandCaravanSE

    Obama is rollin in the money.

  18. GrandCaravanSE

    The New Pontiac G8

    I really think this car looks sweet, what do you guys/als think about it.
  19. GrandCaravanSE

    Santa is coming to town...

    So what did you ask for this holiday season? ME::glasses: T.V. 2.Xbox360 Games 3.Xbox live 12+1 month card 4.DVD's, CD's 5.shirts and pants ...that all.
  20. GrandCaravanSE

    Daily Video

    I think there should be a daily video for the website, it does not have to be funny, but just something to watch that is realted to a hot topic.