Complete the obligation that is ongoing in Iraq and Afganistan and continue with the war against the terrorists...
We had no obligation to invade Iraq.
The invasion of Afghanistan, yes.
You left out Korea and why the past tense?
Korea ??? That was not a war, officially it was a police action. There has never been a declaration of war or surrender. Do you have a point here ???
America did not start this war either, why are you insinuating other wise?
Another thing you are over lookin is the diference in tactics and troop movement. In WW2 the enemy was clear and the lines were drawn. The enemy was known. Point out the enemy in this conflict...
No insinuation at all. Fact.
America started the war with Iraq. No one else.
Terrorists attacks against the United States were responded to by invading Afghanistan, a proven stronghold of training facilities and supply depots of the Taliban and organized terrorist groups.
Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11, 2001. Bring absolute proof to the swamp bus stop that the government of Iraq or Dictator Saddam Hussein was directly involved with those attacks and the old possum will attempt to eat humble pie while dodging traffic on highway 94 at intersecting stateline of Georgia and Florida even though it is a little further than the possum normally travels.
Getting late afternoon here in the Okeefenokee and the lil possums are squalling again fo somefin to eat so I'd best get busy scavenging. Like the early bird getting the worm, gotta get out before the skunks and them damn ring-tail, mask wearing, racoons. Got lucky last night with a hamburger, minus one small bite taken. Came with pickles, onions, cheese and special sauce !!!!