A thread for Greenfreak....."If I were a plant, I'd be a......."

Luis G

Staff member
greenfreak said:
And here's a pic of it with fruit on it. Haven't tried it yet but they are edible:


looks like a nopal


New Member
I think it is, I looked up pictures on google and it looks just like it. As a matter of fact, the pic that I posted shows up in the same results. Have you ever eaten the fruit from it? I heard they can be a nuisance because they grow so big.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Luis G said:
greenfreak said:
And here's a pic of it with fruit on it. Haven't tried it yet but they are edible:


looks like a nopal

plant typical of Mexico is the nopal, a word which comes from the Náhuatl nopalli. It can easily be recognized by its green and thick long pencas, in the shape of a sports racket. They grow one linked to the next and are both leaves and stalks.
The nopal belongs to the cactus family, comprising several equally spiny plants. Their scientific name is Opuntia and there are many different species, but they are all similar.

The nopal has flowers that open at dawn or at noon and that are truly beautiful: there are pink, red, yellow and orange ones.

Its fruit is the prickly pear, nochtli in Náhuatl, and it tastes really good. Both the prickly pear and the pencas (without the spines, of course) are a common ingredient of the Mexican diet. What's more, nopal might have been one of the first foods of man in the Americas some 11,000 years ago.

There are different dishes made with nopales, and others with the prickly pear. You can even buy nopal and prickly pear ice-cream. Apart from being a delicious, nutritional and cheap food, nopal can even be used for medicinal purposes in cases of such diseases as diabetes and to control cholesterol levels. The slime can even be used to weatherproof the roof of your house!

The nopal grows everywhere in Mexico and it is really easy to plant. All you have to do is cut a penca and put it in the dirt. Rapidly roots will form and the new plant will grow, sometimes to a height between 3 and 5 meters (10 and 15 feet).

Over the centuries the nopal has been present in Mexican traditions. You can see one in the tenochtli, the nopal growing on the stone, visible on the Mexican flag, which gave its name to Tenochtitlán, the ancient name for Mexico City.


Looks like they're one and the same. Just be sure to remove the spines from the fruit before you eat it. :nuts2: Makes a much nicer snack that way... :D


New Member
fury said:
fury said:
If I were a plant, I'd be.......

See what I mean? :beerbang:

Sorry sweetie but each time we try to make you feel better and talk to you about what's bother you, you ignore *us*. So I, personally, gave up. :mope:

I'm gonna have to get some recipes or figure out what's the best way to eat these things. I've always taken care of the cactus and don't use pesticides or anything, so they should be fine. If I leave this apartment, I'm going to take some with me. They double in size every year, they're really hardy. Thanks for the info Gato. :kiss:


Staff member
greenfreak said:
Sorry sweetie but each time we try to make you feel better and talk to you about what's bother you, you ignore *us*. So I, personally, gave up.
Touché. :beerbang:

I could never feel better at this point, even if I got a hummer from the hottest chick in the world.

Thanks for trying though. :hug:


Staff member
I know. It would be reciprocal if I loved myself. (hard to love anyone else otherwise.)

One of these days when a miracle happens and I get smart and confident again, I'll be able to return the favor.



Staff member
Hah, a lot of control I have. I'm not smart enough to get into school, I figured that out by taking the ACT exam and getting a shit score, how's that for controlling it? :beerbang:


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite

Just my opinion, take it or leave it. That is precisely the reason why people don't try to cheer you up anymore. So you bombed a test. We all have. Get over it and move on. You're obviously not some dumbfuck that can't cope in life, you've just had a string of bad times. You are the one that's going to decide when to move on, not anyone else.

Luis G

Staff member
gf and Gato, i've never eaten the fruit of it, and have never seen anyone do it, we just eat the "penca" (the green part the pic), and indeed it tastes nice :D