Senator Chuck Hagel, a Republican on the committee, also said the plan was a mistake.

"I think this speech given last night by this president represents the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam if it's carried out," he said.

Yeah... and he was only acquitted of perjury and obstruction charges by the Senate over the whole Monica BS. All Democrats voted for him plus a handfull of Republicans... strictly a party line dog and pony show. It wasn't anything resembling a court of law with impartial jurors. I omitted it a: because it was a joke, and b: because I am not put on this earth please the likes of you. He has yet to have been charged with the crimes that he and his wife comitted over eight years because it would never see the inside of a courtroom. It would never be given serious attention, cost millions, and serve only to embarass the country to the world yet again.

If you have something specific to charge Bush with, then state what it is. I'm no fan of the guy, but I am unaware of these crimes against his oath of office.

What exactly of my version of history to you find in error? Its half fact, half personal asides.
The proper solution would have been to say we're brining home 30,000 troops & relaxing the moronic rules of engagement for the remaining members.

Let the kill the bad guys without filling out forms, in quadruplicate first.
I did have quite a tight flight deck jersey though....but seriously, there was no shuffleboard on the flightdeck and there were no hot tubs and hardly any seafood buffets. It was long grueling work defending your freedom and I served with all kinds of folks.