Do You Care To be Remembered, When You Die?


New Member
Seems many folk go to great lengths to do the things which will get others to remember them when they are gone.

By the same token, obviuosly, many folks go to great lengths to remember the dearly departed, who may've cared nothing for bein' remembered at all.

Do you want other folks to remember you, when yer pushin' up daisies? If so, how so?:)
:eek6: I'd hope they would remember I'm dead. Otherwise, the house would start smelling funny. Well....funnier...
Having kids to carry on a name or a "legacy" means nothing to us. I hope my loved ones would miss me but other than that, I don't think it's that important to me.
Squiggy said:
:eek6: I'd hope they would remember I'm dead. Otherwise, the house would start smelling funny. Well....funnier...

Don't worry Sqiggs, the smell dissipates after a year or so.:D
I want to be remembered for my actions, both noble and wicked. The idea is to be known for more noble acts. :)
i would love to immortalise myself somehow, but in known way.
mere photographs are not enough.
i want to be published... an author, artist, musician, actress....

if i can't tho, i'd just like to be remembered by those who loved me, and forgotten by those who would only think ill of me.
Well, I plan on blowing up the world and taking everyone with me, so I'm not sure who would be around to remember me.

But if someone does survive... then I guess that would be nice.
I want to be remembered as the weird cat lady who only goes out once a week to shop, people will say 'what does she do all day', and nobody will know.
Then, one day when I've died they will see inside my house for the first time....arranged around the house at every electric socket will be a pc, nearby will be various usless objects ordered from the internet, unused and unopened.
"Ahh, that explains her never going out" they'll say............but they will nver explain the shallow graves in the garden....MUHahahuhuhaha.

Or I'll get some grandchildren and teach them to make pastry or sumfing :confuse3:
Squiggy said:
:eek6: I'd hope they would remember I'm dead. Otherwise, the house would start smelling funny. Well....funnier...

same here.. although i dunno if they'll actually notice a difference :D
I will be remembered for my poetry and novels............. :rofl3:

Actually considering I've already been published someone might just remember my poetry. ;)
I wanty to be remembered for curing cancer, being the first person on Mars, inventing a viable fossil fuel replacement & for a long....

one out of four ain't bad :D