DWI - how to stop it?

I done all that crap (OK it was over 25+ years ago)
I had great respect for the dangers of coke smack and meth
but I never let any of it take control of me.

ya gotta have yer shit wired prudy tight to do hard drugs

problem is folks that do it usually have more than one screw loose
to start with and use the drugs as an excuse to come undone

She's come undone
She didn't know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
Mama, it was too late

It's too late
She's gone too far
She's lost the sun
She's come undone
I done all that crap (OK it was over 25+ years ago)
I had great respect for the dangers of coke smack and meth
but I never let any of it take control of me.

ya gotta have yer shit wired prudy tight to do hard drugs

problem is folks that do it usually have more than one screw loose
to start with and use the drugs as an excuse to come undone

She's come undone
She didn't know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
Mama, it was too late

It's too late
She's gone too far
She's lost the sun
She's come undone

I wonder if perhaps their excuse to do the drugs was because of "loose screws" and their life rather than to actually "come undone".
The excuse is irrelevent. Before taking drugs, they knew it was wrong. They didn't know it was going to make them feel better/worse. Once they took them, they could have stopped, at any time. Most do - sooner or later-one way or another.
The excuse is irrelevent. Before taking drugs, they knew it was wrong. They didn't know it was going to make them feel better/worse. Once they took them, they could have stopped, at any time. Most do - sooner or later-one way or another.

Okay, so once again I will say SOME PEOPLE CAN NOT STOP ANY TIME THEY WANT! It is a medically proved fact that drugs work differently on different people. Some become actually addicted, and almost immediately. It is all in how your brain chemistry is working and whether the particular substance binds in a certian way to your neuro receptors.

I completely agree that drugs are bad. It is a bad decision. I happen to be one of those people that can put it down and walk away, but some people aren't. Wouldn't it be best to actually help people who are addicted to drugs? Wouldn't it be wonderful if they were able to reform and live the productive life they were most likely intended without all the "screws loose" or addiction? How can these people be helped, drunk driving be stopped, ect when comments (or the mentality) is just to put it down and walk away? Alocholism and Addiction...they are diseases. Just like cancer is a disease. Would you say to someone with cancer to just put the bottle down?

Two of my loved ones were killed in a drunk driving accident. Forgivness and letting go...it dosen't come easily. It sucks when people die needlessly. Espically when the guy could have just called a cab. I just don't feel that these issues in our society can be resolved without compassion and education.

Forgive me for my soap box.
Alocholism and Addiction...they are diseases. Just like cancer is a disease. Would you say to someone with cancer to just put the bottle down?

If it worked, yes. Too bad that a disease is not so easily cured. Addiction & alcoholism are choices.

I smoked cigarettes for 30 years. My addiction was not a disease. My quitting did not take expert medical care under carefully guarded circumstances. I quit. It was hard but my desire to stop outweighed my desore to continue.

I drank like a fish for almost two decades. Functional alcohilc would have easily categorized me. I got bored & stopped drinking. No doctors, no meetings where today is the rest of my life.

99.9% of addictions are cured by the addict stopping the behavior. The other .1% die. Too bad, they could have put down the bottle.
Well crap then Gonz I guess you can't be in the 'screws loose'

yeah I'm completely in the "it ain't no fricken disease" camp

I (we) know better, the losers that can't get their shit together
keep their shit wired and fly right want the rest of us to believe
that it outta their control. Red you seem like a sweet person,
just the kind these folks love to use. My Dad was an alky while
I was growin' up and so was the wife’s. My Dad quit it once he
realized he'd croak if he didn't and lived to 82, her Dad kept goin'
and died alone in his sixties. Both lost everything cuz of booze.

When me and the wife got together a quarter century ago she
tolded me "if yer gonna keep drinkin' & a druggin' yer a sleepin' alone"
Now I mighta been stupid but I ain't silly heh gave that crap up
and ain't nevah looked back.

yeah theys gots a Die-ese and we’s gotta let em' drive drunk
and kill us, its the American way!
I'm afraid I'm in the "not a disease" camp as well. I recognize that there are those that can't stop without help, but they made the decisions that led them to it. :shrug: If they really wanted to stop, they'd seek help, wouldn't they. If you have a disease, you do want it to stop.
snp link said:
or if a special camera shows that the driver's pupils are not in focus.

My pupils are dialated fairly often for some reason. People have accused me of being on acid even when I'm not because they get so huge sometimes. Would I be screwed?
Too many If's, i.e. my perpetually trippin' eyes, diabetics sweat, cell phone users erradic driving, catholics and the wine/blood, etc.
Well, that would be ideal...but I fear too much to hope for....unless the car really is good at detecting irratic driving.

Guess I'd have to give up that talking on the cell phone bit while driving. While I think I'm not too bad at it others that ride with me grip the "oh shit" handle in fear.