Well, being the dumbass that I am, I stayed up late again last night and ran the store myself today ('twas busy again). And I got so rushed at the end of the day that I left my hours worksheet not filled out (The check is going to get written tomorrow and the person who writes the checks needs to have those hours filled out), AND i left my W-4 form there. Well, for being my third ever work day, I suppose I did fairly well... Those were my only considerably bad screwups. That, and I need to work on my phone skills. Apparently I sound like a telemarketer, because one person whose computer I needed to buy a V.90 modem for, answered the phone and thought I was some telemarketer.
Read this out loud and tell me if you can find anything I did wrong.
Me: "Is Mr. [name] there?"
Her: "Who the hell is this?"
Me: "Dennis from Computer Tek"
Her: "What the hell do you want?"
Me: "Hi, I'm calling about..."
Her: "I'm not interested!" *click*
Other than I probably should've said Dennis from Computer Tek before asking for Mr. [name], I don't really think I said anything wrong. Maybe she was having a bad hair day.