fury, about this interview.

PuterTutor said:
Nah, you won't get fired. Just DON'T say, "HEY BITCH, YOU WANT THIS FUCKING COMPUTER FIXED OR NOT????"

They do tend to frown on that, even though they rarely hang up at that point.

I nearly peed myself when I read that. My daughters Mac is a product of me saying almost exactly the same thing to a customer. In french, it comes out much more subtlely.

Bain, ecoute. Te veut tu que je repaire ton crist de machine ou non? Si non, ca te coutera $120 pour l'evalutation. Vien le cherche. Si c'est toujours ici lundi, je le vendre comme scrap pour couvrir tes frais.

Come monday, she hadn't picked it up, and I bought it for $100.
HomeLAN said:
I lost a lot of that feeling when we went to direct deposit. There's just something about an actual check.

I'm bad at real checks, I never cash them right away so I'm always pissed when I have no money and the bank is closed:tardbang: