Gas Prices

Good point prof, the "official" story is that california requires a "special" blend of gas for emmisions...
Naw, my county is only bright red, not maroon. :D

There's a 76, Tesoro and Chevron all right by each other about a mile from where I work and they're all at $3.19.
I should also point out that not only does California require a special blend of gas, it's not even uniform across the state.
Where there is less people
(population density)
and less driving taking place
(overall not per capita)
the cheaper the gas

From the tips section of that site:

" the Honda Insight and the Toyota Prius
actually get around 45MPG in real world tests."

If people screamed to have all taxes removed
from gasoline and diesel
and refused to buy any vehicle that didn't get at least
30 MPG we could stretch this twilight of the
fossil fuel era a few years more, but No....

I guess the only way to get folks to give up their
12 MPG SUV’s IS four dollar a gallon petrol
I'm averaging 26.7 in mixed driving in the Neon right now, and even at that mileage, $3.19 gas sucks.
I'm getting similar mileage
in a broke down 87 2.3L Mustang LX
with 335,000 miles on it!

That is exactly what I'm talking about!

If they made a cheap two seater that pulled
60+ miles per gallon, I'd drive it and so
would millions of other Americans

once gas is solidly over four bucks a gallon!

Ford sells a widdle car overseas that I’d love to have
seems only illegal aliens get to drive them here ‘illegally’ lol
Inkara1 said:
I'm averaging 26.7 in mixed driving in the Neon right now, and even at that mileage, $3.19 gas sucks.

i though Neons did better than that for mileage. i'm averaging just a bit more than that with a V6 Accord.
I get right at 31 in the Contour. Of course I drive like there's an egg under my foot and most of my commute is no stops and four lanes.

BTW, One thing the price jump is doing is making it worthwhile to extract oil from hard to get at situations (such as in sand). These, of course, are not counted as a part of the worlds reserve. We aren't about to run out in our lifetime, probably not in our children's.
Part of my commute includes accelerating hard uphill; that costs me. On freeway-only trips to LA, I get 33-34.
Mine's not freeway, it's a US highway that's two lanes past the house but widens to four less than a mile down the road. 45 mph ;) all the way to town (4 miles). Town isn't all that big and work is on this side. Also, being the main road through town, the lights are generally in my favor.
my mileage went up when i moved further from work. longer stretches of open road and very few traffic lights.
Most weeks, I can squeeze a tank of gas in my 96 Mazda 4X4 to last all week. I drive 19 miles each way, 5 days a week, plus any running I have to do. Average maybe 240 miles a week. I'll have some gas left over too, so I'm getting maybe 22 mpg. If I have to do house checks, I'll drive 120-150 miles or more in a day, with maybe a dozen or more stops mixed in, so that drains it pretty quick.

I'm a speed limit driver on highways, and faster than speed limit on back roads that I am familiar with. I could probably conserve a little by altering my driving style.

The Explorer has been tuned up recently, so it does OK as well all things considered. AE drives a similar distance each day, with a bigger tank than the Mazda, so I'd guess her mileage to be around 18 mpg. She does a lot more running than I do, mainly because the three of us make a tight fit in a pickup truck.

We combine trips to town when at all possible. Rarely do we go into town just for one thing.

Prices are about $2.84 in the sticks, $2.90 in town here.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Most weeks, I can squeeze a tank of gas in my 96 Mazda 4X4 to last all week. I drive 19 miles each way, 5 days a week, plus any running I have to do. Average maybe 240 miles a week. I'll have some gas left over too, so I'm getting maybe 22 mpg. If I have to do house checks, I'll drive 120-150 miles or more in a day, with maybe a dozen or more stops mixed in, so that drains it pretty quick.

I'm a speed limit driver on highways, and faster than speed limit on back roads that I am familiar with. I could probably conserve a little by altering my driving style.

The Explorer has been tuned up recently, so it does OK as well all things considered. AE drives a similar distance each day, with a bigger tank than the Mazda, so I'd guess her mileage to be around 18 mpg. She does a lot more running than I do, mainly because the three of us make a tight fit in a pickup truck.

We combine trips to town when at all possible. Rarely do we go into town just for one thing.

Prices are about $2.84 in the sticks, $2.90 in town here.

Do you get re-imbursed for gas, or do they pay you straight mileage for your home-visitations? ;)
SouthernN'Proud said:
Prices are about $2.84 in the sticks, $2.90 in town here.

Odd thing is it is the opposite here... It is 3.03 in "town" here is the sticks but there is an Arco station closer to the population and it is 2.75....
There was a discussion about gas prices on Sean Hannitys radio show. Neal Cavuto & some investments guy were talking about it. The only thing of value was, they claim, the oil companies average about $.09/gallon profit. At nine cents a gallon just how many gallons are we sucking up to have all the major oil companies show record profits? If nine cents profit puts big oil in the greedy corporate bad bastard sumbitch category, what does that say about the government which is taking about $.50/gallon profit?
Cheeky is that Contour a six or a four?

My SVT always gets lousy mileage

the rickety old LX 2.3 will easily turn 34 mpg on the freeway
Winky said:
Cheeky is that Contour a six or a four?

My SVT always gets lousy mileage

the rickety old LX 2.3 will easily turn 34 mpg on the freeway
DOHC four. It does 33-34 on trips. The 30 mpg is in daily driving. I could do even better with a stick, but this is what I found for what I could afford to spend when gas prices started to go up a couple of years ago. The 15 mpg the TransAm gets just wasn't cutting it.

Does your SVT get lousy mileage because you think you're Michael Schumacher when your driving it???? ;)