Gas Prices

rrfield said:
republicans only like smaller gobment when democrats are in charge.
(harry browne, rip)

Same can be said for Democrats...Want smaller government? Get term limits for all elected officials, and take away half of their generous pensions.
Gato_Solo said:
Same can be said for Democrats...Want smaller government? Get term limits for all elected officials, and take away half of their generous pensions.

Oh, hell no. It's bad enough that you can't get anyone to do anything longer than 4 years as is.
Professur said:
Oh, hell no. It's bad enough that you can't get anyone to do anything longer than 4 years as is.

Most of our congress has been serving for an average of 16 years. Long enough to get entrenched, and lose sight of who they actually work for. They stay until they get into trouble, and sometimes beyond. Besides...the President is limited to 2 terms, why shouldn't Congress be limited to three? It's the only way to be rid of the scandals, and the scandalous behavior. It'll also get rid of the constant campaigning through pork and hand-outs.
One big problem with that idea is that you wind up showhorning out the good with the bad. Some of those guys have experience in getting the job done.

Each and every member already has a limit of terms. It's called getting voted in. What's the point of limitting the terms if the sheep jsut blindly vote in the next in a long line? Until you get smarter voters, the point is moot.
Professur said:
One big problem with that idea is that you wind up showhorning out the good with the bad. Some of those guys have experience in getting the job done.

Each and every member already has a limit of terms. It's called getting voted in. What's the point of limitting the terms if the sheep jsut blindly vote in the next in a long line? Until you get smarter voters, the point is moot.
That's always been my contention too. How do you weed them out though?
Professur said:
One big problem with that idea is that you wind up showhorning out the good with the bad. Some of those guys have experience in getting the job done.

Most are in it for the power, and have long since lost their idealism. Most people are afraid of change. I relish it.

prof said:
Each and every member already has a limit of terms. It's called getting voted in. What's the point of limitting the terms if the sheep jsut blindly vote in the next in a long line? Until you get smarter voters, the point is moot.

Because the turn-over will let some new people in who may actually be different.'s not really the fault of the sheep in this case. They are no longer voting for someone. They are forced, by limited choice, to vote against someone. One only has to look at the percentage of voters actually showing up to see that happening. I, myself, have called it apathy, but it's more like demoralization...
Mark Souder, part of the 1994 Republican takeover of the House said 12 years & out.

He's running again. I ain't re-electing (but I bet Indiana is)
Gas Prices - local
$1.104/liter CAN
$4.1790946/gallon CAN

$3.5384394/gallon US
So, how's everyone else?


Blue Line is average/gallon in Montreal area
Red line is average for Canada
Green line is average for USA
i think i still pay about three bucks but i use premium, and one of two gas stations where you pay for the location/convenience.