Gone Fishin' - the dying art?


Well-Known Member
I'm a born-again fisherman. Used to fish off of docks, off boats, piers etc....got tired of it...quit.

Recently...my Da-in-law bought himself a summer-cabin in Chateauguay NY. It's right on the edge of a river, which is stocked yearly with Brown and Rainbow trouts. I've dug up my old rods and reels, dusted off my tacklebox and bought hip-boots. Now...I fish again!!!

I'm wondering if anyone else fishes, if so what type (Dock,Fly, Boat,Ocean) and how often...also...the more serious question of what drives you to it.

For me: It's the calmness of it...the sounds of the river, the birds, the wind in the willows etc...get away from the traffic jams and jets roaring overhead.
Dock, boat or surf. As often as possible, which unofrtunately is about 3 times a year.

Not really sure what the motivation is, it's just a calm activity punctuated with several minutes of excitement when that sucker hits your lure. Being able to catch your own dinner has something to do with it, too.
It's a Zen experience for me. I don't really care if I catch anything or not, as long as I get a hit every now and again. Don't really like fish, so the food part is not really a motivating factor.

Any kind of fishing will do. I think the only way I haven't fished is on a river. I even tried fly-fishing once, although it was only the one time. Haven't been able to fish in a long while though. :(
I wish I could go every weekend. Realistically, I get to go about 2 or 3 times a year as well.
Well.I've gone every weekend for the past 3...and my wife insists on going to the cabin every chance possible...gives us a chance to calm down, spend time with the munchkin...she does some reading and I fish...rain or shine (Rain prefered-I use worms).

Not sure for how long this'll last tho' ... if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

On the better side...I pulled out 2 nice trout for tonight's supper yesterday...small, but yummy...the parger of the two was only about 10" .
i used to go fishing all the time. stopped awhile back mostly because every place is fished out. the ponds and lakes would be restocked every spring and be empty a few weeks later. the only thing i was doing was pulling junk out and getting my gear wet.

i love ocean fishing, especially bottom fishing. i can't think of a better way to spend a day than floating around the bay trying to hook some cod, flounder, etc. mmmmm...
again, dont go anymore cause its all fished out.
Boat,surf, Shore,river .I haven't been able to get out much ,but hopefully when I'm on holidays at the end of June.Salmon,Trout,Steelhead,Rockfish,Lingcod are all very tasty ,but best when cooked as a shore Lunch IMO.I don't usually have as much luck as those I fish with ,but as long as we don't get skunked it doesn't matter ,the "being there" is whats important.

The Salmon in my AV was caught on a 7Day hiking fishing trip ,I took a few years ago with a couple of buds.It was a 8hr hike to the beach where we camped and fished by either wading into the surf for salmon fishing or off the rocks for rockfish and Lingcod. The cold water up to your knackers was only a temporary discomfort ,the Jellyfish stings were another story. We cooked the salmon over an open fire,it was glazed with Honey and sprinkled with Lemon pepper. :)

Gahh,I'd rather be fishing :(
Um, Bish. You do realize that 10" trout are under the limit, doncha? BTW, do you have a license to fish there? I know that out-of residence licenses are damnably expensive.
Professur said:
Um, Bish. You do realize that 10" trout are under the limit, doncha? BTW, do you have a license to fish there? I know that out-of residence licenses are damnably expensive.

How about for Fishslappin' ,is it too @#%$#@ small for Fishlappin' ?Damn fish Police . J/K ;)

P.S. Ifs its a stocked "only" fishin' Hole then there may not be a size limit.
Professur said:
Um, Bish. You do realize that 10" trout are under the limit, doncha? BTW, do you have a license to fish there? I know that out-of residence licenses are damnably expensive.

It's New York...the little book says...5" or less---release, 10 per day (5 frozen/5 fresh). ...the licence...$40 US. That's $60CAN. And I've already been checked twice, once at the border back. :p

Mostly...they stop me on the way in (Are you bringing in any meat, sir?) - Meat...nah (But I have 40grams in my pocket, but no meat at all...especially from animals that chew their cud)

Jezus-pleazus! They don't care about drugs, alcohol, guns....they care about meat??!? Holy Mad-Cow Batman!!!
fishing has never been my bag, i've tried fly fishing and that was alright, just because there's more activity involved