How was your weekend?


New Member
I had a free weekend this last with no obligations, no errands to run, I wasn't on call for work... It was heaven. It really sets the week off right when you have a great weekend, doesn't it?

What did you do with your weekend? Was the weather nice were you are? It's 70 degrees here right now. :dance:
Did the birthday thing for v2.0 (he's officially 2 now). Went to a play (Midsummer Night's Dream - it was well done too). Got my hair done (I was seeing a bit too much gray).
*flicks up hand*

Lets just say I had a weekend I wish I had done a little differenetly.

and a :hug: to Luis because seems like my life is sortta shadowing his thread in the Love and Lifestyles section :hug:

*sigh* :(
Minneapolis, Minnesota, it was springjam (school endorsed excuse for drunken partying) weekend at the UofMN so everwhere was packed full of people.
ah, i see....i thought you might be living in norway or something where you pay 7 USD for a beer :D

thank god you don't :D
Friday: went to Diana's house, spent a good time there with a few beers.

Saturday: went to the Zoo, in the afternoon i went to a birthday (cousin son) very nice, they hired a clown that did magic tricks. In the night i went to a party, Diana's bday.

Sunday: Woke up at 3pm, ate, took a shower and went out with a friend to the coffee, back home and to work on the documentation of my project.

The weather was hot, but nice, i'd say something above 34-35ºC (not under direct sunlight). Blue sky, and nice wind.
this monday is worse than the's not the weekends i fear in general...but those mondays...can never get used to them :eek:
Not a bad weekend altogether...Saturday sucked weather-wise...rain and freezing we stayed in, and that means...renovations!!

Finished off the ceiling tiles downstairs and the mouldings.

Sunday...drove down to New York to my da-in-law's cabin...couldn't get my fishin' license because it was Sunday, so I just sat around, played with my son, read and talked w/ my wife...not a bad way to end the week.

Next week, I'm hoping to pull a few trout out of that creek :)
Saturday - went to San Diego, bar hopped with my girls...had an asthma attack and ended up in the ER at four in the morning.

Sunday - spent the day at an Earthday festival where I met an this tall, handsome, adorable charming guy. Turns out he's a 20 year old Marine! :bolt: Go figure.

I feel so dirty.