Frankly, I'd have just told you to fuck off.
Still better than me, I'd have told her to Fuck Off and Die.
Frankly, I'd have just told you to fuck off.
Well, let's see if you've got a valid complaint in the first place, shall we?
Sorry Cerise. I'm seeing absolutely noting in there that in any way violates the AUP that you, Inky and everyone else agreed to. Indeed, he seems to have gone out of his way to avoid making that post a personal attack on anyone, least of all you. Not that I expect any less from a professional journalist.
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I know it's "just words," but directing a string of expletives at another person, especially from a man to a woman is abusive. I'm not speaking as if it's a crime, but I feel it's still abuse by any definition. I imagine he's a very nice person in person, and would certainly never yield to the temptation if the setting wasn't in the context of the internet.
should i submit proof of gender too? i gots a copying machine at work. i could plop my weener across the glass and mail in the image. okay great just lemme know where to send it.
Include pants and a an SASE if you would like the pictured returned to you... pants remain the property of BoP™ Ltd.BoP
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New Zealand
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especially from a man to a woman is abusive.
Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.Man, don't let Jimbo run you outta here.
Staying is uncomfortable, Spike.